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Economics Careers Fair

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Economics Careers Fair

Come and network with a range of employers and management consultancies and take part in careers and skills sessions to enhance your employability. This event is for both undergraduate and postgraduate students studying Economics or PPE.

Event Details

Thursday 3rd November 2016, 4.00-7.00pm
Panorama, Rootes Building

The event will feature representatives from a wide range of employers including the Department of Work and Pensions, Frontier Economics, Deloitte, Mars, Vivid Economics, LMC International and LMC Automotive and many more:



You are required to register for this event, indicating which of the separate sessions you wish to attend using Tabula and searching for module code 'EC-GENERAL'.

Event Programme




Fair begins - Panorama 2

Featuring a number of employers from a rnage of sectors who have all indicated an interest in specifically meeting Warwick Economics students.


Keynote Speech: 'Economic Careers in Government' (Department for Work & Pensions) - Panorama 1


Keynote Speech: 'A career in Economic Consulting' (Deloittes) - Panorama 1


Careers session: 'Amazing Applications' - Panorama 3


Careers session: 'Internships' - Panorama 3


Postgraduate Study in Economics - Panorama 3
Find out more about the opportunities for Postgraduate Taught Study and Research.