British Media, EU Membership and the Referendum
British Media, EU Membership and the Referendum
Thursday 15 Dec 2016Academics, civil servants, journalists and members of non-profit organisations discuss the role of the media in shaping attitudes towards the EU.
This conference brings together academics, civil servants, media professionals and members of non-profit organisations to discuss the role of British media in shaping public attitudes towards the EU. Of particular interest are the complex relationship between British media and different strands of Euroscepticism, and the potential impact of social media and new technologies on political engagement in general.
The relationship between media, attitudes and behaviour is complex and may have serious consequences for British political life. There is a clear need to bring together studies from different disciplines such as Political Sciences, Media and Communication, and Political Economy, and communicate them to the general public in an accessible language. By providing unbiased and clear reports about the impact of the media on public opinion, we seek to contribute to a more comprehensive and transparent debate about the relationship between the UK in the EU.
The event is supported by the UK in a Changing Europe initiative, and organised by the Department of Economics and Warwick Policy Lab.
For further information, please contact Tatiana Coutto -
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Event Programme
Time |
Venue: The Shard, London - 19th January 2017 |
9.00-9.30am |
Registration |
9.30-11.00am |
Opening remarks and Panel (1): UK-EU relations six months after the referendum Chair: Dr Tatiana Coutto, University of Warwick Panel Speakers:
11.00-11.15am |
Coffee Break |
11.15-12.40pm |
Panel (2): Communicating politics and the EU to the British public: an interdisciplinary view This panel will discuss methodological and empirical trends concerning the influence of the media on political behaviour. Special attention will be paid to the framing of EU affairs in Europe, and to the relationship between media and Euroscepticism. The panel will also discuss future perspectives. Chair: Dr Elena Lazarou, European Parliament Panel Speakers:
12.40-1.40pm |
Buffet lunch |
1.40-3.00pm |
Panel (3): Communicating politics and the EU to the British public: “old” and “new” media Chair: Prof Stefania Paredes Fuentes, University of Warwick Panel Speakers:
3.00-3.15pm |
Coffee break |
3.15-4.30pm |
Panel (4): Media, technology and youth engagement. Concluding remarks This panel tackles issues such as turnout among young voters in the UK and elsewhere, how they obtain information about politics and policy processes, and their perceptions vis-a-vis the relationship between the UK and the EU. Chair: Siobhan Benita, University of Warwick Panel Speakers: