Previous Years
Since 2013, our conference has been growing, receiving above 200 applications every year from top institutions throughout the world. We have had the pleasure to host excellent presentations given by PhD students from Amsterdam, Columbia, University of California (Berkeley), University of California (Davis), University of California (San Diego), Oxford, Michigan, Minnesota, Paris School of Economics, Stockholm, Southampton, UCL, Warwick, and Zurich to name a few.
Information about past conferences can be found below:

I had a very positive experience at the Ph.D. Conference of Warwick. (i) The conference assigns you a discussant who is required to give feedback on your paper. (ii) Organization was impeccable and allowed for plenty of opportunities to interact with other students. (iii) Warwick Faculty sometimes attend the seminar, in my case it was very useful to talk to one of the econometrics Faculty working in my field -network econometrics. (iv) A high quality of applicants leads to rich discussions on the substantive aspects of each paper. (v) Travel funding for students outside Europe was a big incentive to participate

The conference provided me a unique opportunity to present my research to a general audience with diverse expertise. This is invaluable for my job market preparation.

Over the course of two days, I was acquainted with exciting doctoral research from a diverse set of universities. Organisation was superb! A great stimulating experience.