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EPAIS Welcome Dinner

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EPAIS Welcome Dinner

The Department of Economics is delighted to welcome back EPAIS students with a dinner and games night:

Date: Thursday 6 October 2022, 6:00 - 10:00pm
Location: Chancellors, Rootes Building

Come and join your fellow EPAIS students for:

  • A free 2 course meal
  • Join our fun quiz

This is a great opportunity to meet your fellow EPAIS students from across all year groups and make new friends.

*If you have any dietary requirements, please indicate these on the registration forms below.

This event is for staff and students only and registration is required in order to attend.


Spaces are limited, so please register now. The deadline to register is Monday 3rd October 2022.

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The University of Warwick will process your personal data provided in this online registration form for the purposes of registering your interest to attend our welcome dinner on Thursday 6 October.

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