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Mentor Awards Lunch

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Mentor Awards Lunch

To celebrate your hard work over the past academic year, we will be holding a thank you lunch and awards ceremony for 2021/22 mentors. We will start with drinks on the balcony, followed by a buffet lunch and the awards announcements

Date: Wednesday 4 May 2022
Time: 13:00 - 15:00
Location: Cryfield Sports Pavilion

All mentors will receive a certificate of participation and we’ll be announcing the results of this year’s mentor awards.


This is an occasion not to be missed so please book your place now on the registration form below. Spaces are limited so please only sign-up if you are able to attend.


We will be awarding prizes to mentors who have been nominated by their mentees for the excellent support they have provided over the course of the year

Please note: Photography will be taking place at this event, which may be used for marketing purposes (e.g. promotional materials). By registering your attendance at this event, you are giving consent to be photographed, however if you do not wish to be photographed, please inform the photographer or a member of Economics staff on the day.

Registration will close on 27 April at 4pm

This form is closed and is no longer accepting any submissions. Thank you for your time.