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Economics Undergraduate Photoshoot

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Economics Undergraduate Photoshoot

We are calling for undergraduate students from the Department of Economics to volunteer to take part in a photoshoot to feature in future marketing materials


Date: Wednesday 1 May 2024
Time: 11:00 - 15:00 (1 hour slots)
Location: Main Campus

What's involved?

You will join a small group of fellow economics students to take a series of photographs across key locations on campus for up to one hour, guided by our professional and friendly photographer. These photos may be used in marketing materials including (but not limited to) email campaigns, webpages, brochures, flyers, leaflets etc.

By taking part, you will also receive 2-3 free professional headshots taken by our photographer, for your own personal use (e.g. for professional LinkedIn pages).

Volunteer Now

If you are an undergraduate student in the Department of Economics you can volunteer by completing the form below. Spaces are limited so please only volunteer for the times you are available to attend.

We will notify you if you have been randomly selected by sending you a calendar invite which will contain details of dress codes and meeting points.

I am available to participate in the photoshoot on Wednesday 1 May at (required)

Case Study

Below you will find ten optional case study questions which may be used alongside your photographs in our promotional materials. Please answer as many questions as you wish.

Please try to include the question in your answers. For example, for the first question you may start your answer with "My interest in economics first developed when..."

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