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You Said We Did

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You wanted more information about what each module would be about...

. . . we have now provided short videos where the module leaders provide an overview of their modules.

Thu 31 Jan 2019, 16:03 | Tags: Active Diploma UG Academic Support


You wanted clearer guidelines on what was expected in order to do well in your assessments.

. . . have created a set of assessment criteria for each of your assessments, in order to help you understand what the markers are looking for, available from module pages in Moodle. We also created an Exams Resource webpage to bring all information together in one place on your exams.

Thu 31 Jan 2019, 15:37 | Tags: Active Diploma UG Assessment and Feedback


You think that there are improvements to be made in the usefulness and promptness of assessment feedback.

. . . reviewed assessment marking deadlines across assessments, and all deadlines were then optimised to provide the shortest turnaround for providing you with quality feedback.

Thu 31 Jan 2019, 15:33 | Tags: Active Diploma UG MSc Assessment and Feedback


You said that you would like the sense of community for Economics students to be stronger.

... we have opened new study and social spaces for both UG and PG students respectively and have worked hard to bring students together online and in person in innovative ways such as music recitals, sports events and quizzes. We developed wall visuals with inspirational quotes chosen by you to enhance the look and feel of the places even further.

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 15:41 | Tags: Active Diploma Learning Community UG MSc


You wanted a more effective system of academic support...

... we have changed the structure of the academic support sessions for the core modules to be drop-in sessions and set up an academic support working group. We also provide you with dedicated support in maths and statistics for EC331.

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 15:40 | Tags: Active Diploma UG Academic Support


You are inspired and engaged by lectures and classes which are stimulating, interactive and innovative.

... introduced a new Teaching and Learning seminar series for staff to encourage innovation in teaching and share best practice, including sessions on using Forums and Turning point to increase participation and engagement. This generated further ideas for application in departmental teaching practices which are being taken forward by a group of colleagues.

Wed 24 Jan 2018, 14:25 | Tags: Active Diploma Teaching and Learning UG