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Week 1

Department News

360 Guest Lecture - David Goodhart Lecture

On Monday 8 January 2018, journalist, author and think tanker David Goodhart delivered our 3rd Guest Lecture based on his latest book "The Road to Somewhere: The New Tribes Shaping British Politics" which became the Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller earlier this year.

David explained how people have come to be divided into two camps: the Anywheres, a large minority group of the highly educated, mobile and highly influencial people and the Somewheres, a larger but less influential group who are more rooted and less well educated, who value security and familiarity.

Over 110 students and members of staff from Warwick University attended the lecture followed by a Q&A session and an opportunity for those who attended to obtain a signed copy of David's book. We still have 8 signed copies of the book available in S0.86 (£5 per copy) if it is of interest.

Winter Graduation 2018 - starts at 3pm today

The Winter Graduation 2018 ceremony will take place today at 3pm. This ceremony will be followed by a reception at 5.15pm in Panorama Room, Rootes Building, for all these students, their families and friends to toast and celebrate their achievements. All staff are invited to join in, so please come along.

Staff Recognition Scheme Goes Live!

We are very pleased to announce the introduction of the Economics Department Recognition Scheme. The aim of the scheme is to acknowledge employees or teams who make an outstanding contribution on a one off or short term basis and is a platform to provide instant recognition. The procedure was distributed to all staff on Monday 15 January 2018.

All staff in grades 1-8 are eligible to receive an award. Academic staff can nominate each other or a member of support staff and vice versa, support staff can nominate each other or a member of academic staff.

The nomination form can be found here and it is on the intranet, under Governance. The webpage will be updated on a regular basis and will include nominations received.

Students' Question Time 2018 - 22 January 2018

The Department's annual Students' QT 2018 will be held on 22 January 2018 and as part of the recruitment process, students were asked to submit a short video of themselves. We have selected six students to be on the panel as well as choosing the questions submitted by our students.

Update - Come and join this years’ chair Claudia Rei and our student panel who will be debating 'current affairs'. You can still register online to join the audience.

360 Guest Lecture - Vinay Gupta - 29 January 2018

Our next Guest Lecture speaker will be Vinay Gupta, the co-founder of Mattereum and a leading figure in the blockchain space, who will be talking about cryptocurrencies and the uptake of the blockchain in all its applications. This event is being held on 29 January 2018, 6-7.30pm in Oculus (OC1.05) and is in partnership with Virtual Futures. Read more about Vinay on the event's page and register to attend.

Offer Holders Open Days - Coming soon!

The Department hosts Offer Holders Open Days throughout the year to allow prospective students to find out more about studying Economics at Warwick from our academic staff and current students. The first OHOD will be held on Wednesday 14 February from 12.30 - 3.00pm. These events are a valuable conversion opportunity and past feedback received has been positive.

We encourage staff to participate and attend these events, so please save the below dates in your diary.

  • Wednesday 14 February 2018
  • Wednesday 14 March 2018
  • Wednesday 25 April 2018
Welcome 2018 - ideas/suggestion?

September 2018 will see the introduction of Warwick's first teaching-free Warwick Welcome Week (w/c 24 September 2018). Welcome Week is for all new students starting at the University of Warwick in September 2018. This includes undergraduates, postgraduate taught and research students. Tailored events and activities will be available to students from different backgrounds.

Update - The Academic Induction Workshop was attended by Elizabeth and Charlotte and you can view the slides from the meeting. This is one of a series of workshops on Welcome 2018 and all staff are encouraged to contribute ideas and suggestions either by attending workshops or submitting ideas to the Economics Welcome Reps (Charlotte White and Elizabeth Jones) or directly online.

Pulse Survey - please complete before 28th Jan!

As you may/may not be aware, the University has launched a Pulse Staff Survey for 2018. This has been running for ten years and staff views have helped focus on areas/issues that affect you in the working environment. Results from previous surveys have resulted in a number of changes both Departmentally and University wide.

It is an excellent opportunity for you to make suggestions and further improve on the working environment at Warwick. The survey is anonymous and takes approximately ten minutes to complete.

Update - Economics is quite far behind other Departments within the University for completion rates. Therefore, could I please ask for your co-operation and request that you complete the survey as soon as possible. The deadline is 28 January 2017.

Publications, Presentations & Talks

Helios Herrera presented his paper 'Populism: Demand and Supply' at University of Cape Town and at Trinity College Dublin.

Sascha O. Becker presented his work on Uprootedness at the lastest Oxford-Warwick-London (OWL) workshop on Economic History in Oxford on 12 January.

Andrew Oswald had 3 articles accepted for publication in Journal of Health Economics (on risk aversion) Social Science and Medicine (on longitudinal envy in society) Journal of Economic Literature (on unhappiness in the USA) .

Media Coverage

"Low inflation for longer" - Giovanni Ricco: VoxEU Column - 15th January 2018

"Blue Monday: Sit down, write out a list of things that make you happy, do them more" - Andrew Oswald: iNews Opinion Column - 14th January 2018

"Economists predict another gloomy year for consumer finances" - Andrew Oswald quoted: CLNews - 4th January 2018

"Debt and interest rates to be consumers' big worries, says economists" - Andrew Oswald quoted: Financial Times - 1st January 2018 (requires subscription)

Department Diary

  • 2018 Winter Graduation Ceremony and Reception 2018 | 19 January | 3.00 pm |Campus / Panorama Room, Rootes Building
     Reminder: Please come along and show your support at the Reception at 5.15pm today.
  • Students' Question Time 2018 | 22 January | 6.30 - 7.45 pm | MS.02 Zeeman Building
     Reminder: Come and join this years’ chair Claudia Rei and our student panel who will be debating current affairs. Register via the online form.
  • 360 Guest Lecture - Vinay Gupta | 29 January | 6.00-7.30pm | Oculus OC1.05
  • The Final Countdown: Finalist Social | 1 February | 19.30 - 23.30 pm | The Slate
  • Offer Holders Open Day | 14 February | 12.30-15.00pm | Oculus OC0.03
    Update: We will be welcoming our offer holders on the above date. Please save the date in your diary. We ask staff to join prospective students & their parents for lunch in the Oculus at 12.30pm
  • Year 1 & Year 2 Dinner and Quiz Night | 22 February | 19.15-23.30pm | Panorama Room
    Update: We are holding a dinner and quiz night for first & second year Economics students. Save the date & inform Charlotte if you are able to attend for catering purposes (email economics dot events at warwick dot ac dot uk)
  • Offer Holders Open Day | 14 March | 12.30-15.00pm | MS.02
    Update: We will be welcoming our offer holders on the above date. Please save the date in your diary. We ask staff to join prospective students & their parents for lunch in the Oculus at 12.30pm
  • Offer Holders Open Day | 24 April | 12.30-15.00pm | Oculus OC0.03
    Update: We will be welcoming our offer holders on the above date. Please save the date in your diary. We ask staff to join prospective students & their parents for lunch in the Oculus at 12.30pm
  • Economics Graduaton Day | 20 July | Location: TBC
    Update: We request both academic and administration staff to save the date in your diaries.
  • Tea @3 (every Wednesday) | 3.00-3.30pm | Staff Common Room | Social Sciences Building
  • Social Networking Lunch for staff (every fortnightly on Thursday) | 12.30 - 1.30pm | S2.79 | Social Sciences Building

Staff Interview

Andrea Wyld is in the spotlight for this week's staff interview - find out more about her.

Other News

Warwick 2018 University Awards

Next week will see the launch of Warwick's 2018 Univeristy Awards. Nominations will open week beginning 22nd January 2018. Take a look at the award categories here.

Staff offer - Free Voucher at Warwick Sport

Like to try something new this January? You can collect a free voucher from Warwick Sport and see what activities might interest you.