Coffee and Cake Meetings

Coffee and Cake Meetings
Thursday 2 Nov 2017We are delighted to invite all second and third year students to join Jeremy Smith (Head of Department), Robin Naylor (Director of Studies) or Elizabeth Jones (Director of UG Studies) to an informal gathering over coffee and cake.
We are keen to hear your thoughts about your course or about your wider activities and experiences at Warwick. We are also keen to offer any advice, support, guidance or feedback that might be helpful.
This is also an opportunity for you to raise any topic, or discuss any issue of importance to you or to pass on to us your ideas on how we can make your experience of studying in the department even better, but also for us to get feedback on initiatives we are currently working on to improve the quality of the education experience of our student body.
The meetings will be informal in style and limited to 8 students per meeting. Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. Upcoming times and dates (along with the room) for this term can be seen on Tabula and you can book your place under 'EC.GENERAL' for any one session via the button below.
Due to a small number of places available at each meeting, if you book a place and are unable to attend, please let us know by emailing, so that we can release your place to someone else.
We very much look forward to meeting you soon.
Elizabeth, Jeremy and Robin