Warwick Economics Media Library
Ariel Rubinstein 'A Personal Journey in the Wonderland of Neuroeconomics' 24th May 2012
15:35, Tue 14 Aug 2012
Ariel Rubinstein, widely recognised as one of the most important and creative economic theorists of our day, presented a lecture in the Department of Economics titled A Personal Journey in the Wonderland of Neuroeconomics, in late May 2012. An economics professor at Tel Aviv University and New York University, Rubinsteins work on bargaining, a basic activity of economics, has been extraordinarily influential. He has been recognised as a highly original thinker, whose work has led to new avenues of research and new ways of thinking about economic theory. His seminal 1982 paper on bargaining games, often referred to as the Rubinstein Bargaining Model, is considered to be one of the most influential solutions in game theory because for a certain class of games, it was able to provide a solution that had until then proved elusive. In 2004, he was awarded the Erwin Plein Nemmers Prize in Economics, given once every two years to recognise work of lasting significance in the field. Five of nine recipients of the prize have gone on to win a Nobel Prize. The Nemmers Prize selection committee praised Rubinstein for a broad series of highly original contributions to game theory in economics, ranging from analyses of bargaining and repeated games to models of bounded rationality. Rubinstein is the co-author (with Martin J. Osborne) of A Course in Game Theory, a book that, as of November, had been cited more than 4,000 times, more than any other work on game theory listed in Google Scholar.
(M4V format, 107 MB)