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Arthur Galichere

Arthur Galichère

Assistant Professor (Teaching Focussed)

Research Affiliation

  • Research Interests

    • Asset Price Bubbles
    • Macroeconomic Theory and Policies
    • Financial Intermediation and Stability

Contact details

Email: Arthur dot Galichere at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S0.70

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About me

I am an Assistant Professor (Teaching Focused) at the University of Warwick. I specialise in macroeconomics and asset pricing. My research focuses on asset price bubbles, macroeconomic policies and financial stability. I design theoretical models and apply empirical methods to evaluate the effects of bubbles on the economy and provide policy recommendations. My current projects focus on the effects of monetary policy on asset price bubbles, and on the Bayesian estimation of a DSGE model with stock market bubbles and nominal rigidities. I hold a BSc and an MSc in Economics and Management from the University of Caen (2014, 2015), an MRes and a PhD in Economics from the Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow (2017, 2022).

  • Teaching

  • EC201: Macroeconomics 2 (lectures and seminars term 2)
  • EC331: Research in Applied Economics (seminars in term 1 and term 2)
  • EC9D5: Macroeconomics (lectures and seminars in term 1)
  • EC959: Dissertation (supervision in term 3)
UG & MSc Dissertation Supervision

I can only supervise a limited number of students. If you are interested in my supervision for a dissertation on a theoretical project, feel free to contact me. We can discuss your research interests and potential topics for your dissertation. If you need further information about my supervision for your dissertation, read my short statement hereLink opens in a new window.

My full teaching history at Warwick is here.

Working Paper

Bubbles, Endogenous Growth and Financial Stability


This paper studies the dynamic ownership of risky asset price bubbles and its implications for financial stability and real activity in a heterogeneous agent model with occasionally binding borrowing constraints. It shows that the intensity of the banking crisis and the quantitative effects on real activity are mostly determined by both the overall contamination of the heterogeneous banking sector and the individual exposure of banks to the risky bubble. The more banks fail following the burst of the bubble, the deeper the recession and the slower the recovery. Importantly, the dynamics of bubble growth matter for financial stability: banks prefer to invest in the bubble at the beginning of its development, which makes this period extremely vulnerable to financial shocks. Although a banking supervision rule designed to dampen the impact of the bursting bubble should be very strict at the beginning of the bubble's growth, it ultimately weakens the financial health of the banks and makes them more vulnerable to economic shocks.

Work in Progress

Asset Price Bubbles and Monetary Policy: Deflate the Bubble?


This paper studies monetary policy in a New Keynesian model with asset price bubbles. It shows that monetary policy targeting asset prices can partially deflate an asset price bubble and affects the way the bubble is financed.

Stock Market Bubbles and Monetary Policy: a Bayesian Analysis


This paper develops and estimates a DSGE model with stock market bubbles and nominal rigidities using Bayesian methods. The estimation is processed using a Markov jump-linear-quadratic (MJLQ) version of this DSGE model, where uncertainty takes the form of different regimes that follow a Markov process.