Carmen Villa Llera
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I am an applied microeconomist working on topics in public economics and on law and economics. My work focuses on the impact of public policies on youth development and crime. Visit my personal website for more information on my academic research and policy work.
Working papers
The Effects of Youth Clubs on Education and Crime
Coverage: VoXEU, The GuardianLink opens in a new window -
Specialised Courts and the Reporting of Intimate Partner Violence: Evidence from Spain with J. Garcia-Hombrados and M. Martinez-Matute.
R&R Journal of Public Economics - Gangs of London: Public Housing, Bombs, and Crime with R. Disney, T. Kirchmaier and S. Machin. Coverage: BBC World News, LSE IQ Podcast, The Economist
Work in progress
The long-run effect of a large-scale conditional cash transfer scheme - with J. Britton, N. Ridpath, and B. Waltmann
Minimum Legal Drinking Age, Academic Performance, and Labour Market Outcomes - with M. Bagues