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As of November 16th, 2024 Emily Wesley is no longer a current member of the department

Contact details

Phone: +44 (0)24 761 51640
Email: Emily dot Wesley at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office:: S2.133S2.133

Working hours:: Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Main Responsibilities

I manage a range of events for the Department's Marketing and Alumni Engagement strategies. These include:

- Alumni Career Journeys panel sessions

- Warwick Economics Lectures

- Careers in Economics events

- Graduation Receptions

I also oversee the Department's alumni engagement, and look at ways in which we can increase participation in our alumni communities.

About me

I have joined the Department of Economics on secondment until August 2024. Previously, I have worked as a Programmes Coordinator in the Undergraduate Department of WBS, and I am a University of Warwick alumnus, having studied Politics, Philosophy and Law.