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Gavin Hassall

Curriculum Vitae

Contact details

Email: Gavin dot Hassall at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.112

Advice & feedback hours: Please email to book an appointment. I can meet in person Tuesdays 11am-12pm and 1pm-2pm, or via Teams outside these times.

Research Interests

  • I am a third-year PhD candidate studying Macroeconomics. Specifically, expectations formation, imperfect information, central bank communication, and how economic agents learn.
  • I am working on projects studying the macroeconomic effects of noisy central bank communication, how households learn from their labour market outcomes when forming beliefs about aggregate inflation, and how future-tense language in types of monetary policy communication matters for policy effectiveness.


  • I am a teaching assistant for second-year undergraduate econometrics (EC226) in 2023/24 in Autumn and Spring Term.
  • I was also a teaching assistant for EC226 in 2022/23 and in Spring 2021, and first-year undergraduate microeconomics (EC107) in Autumn 2021.