Gavin Hassall
Contact details
Email: Gavin dot Hassall at warwick dot ac dot uk
Room: S1.112S1.112
Personal Website:
I am a macroeconomist and PhD candidate in Economics at Warwick, on the job market for 2024-2025. My current research focuses on central bank communications and how information conveyed through language affects financial markets and the macroeconomy. I am also interested in how households learn about the macroeconomy, and how this affects their decisions.
Works in Progress
- Miscommunicating Future Monetary Policy: An Evaluation of Fed Communications (Job Market Paper)
- The role of labour markets in household inflation expectations (with Christine Braun and Anshumaan Tuteja)
- Embracing the Future: Tense Patterns and Forward-Looking Monetary Policy (with Andrea Guerrieri D’Amati)
I taught small-group seminars for second-year undergraduate econometrics (EC226) from 2021-2024, and first-year undergraduate introductory economics (EC107) in Autumn 2021.