Jennifer Smith's auction page
Office: +44 (0)24 7652 3469
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Fax: +44 (0)24 7652 3032
Department of Economics, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Home page:
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Auction links
Auction specialists' web pages
- Peter Cramton
- Larry Ausubel
- Jeremy Bulow
- Paul Klemperer
- Preston McAfee
- John McMillan
- Paul Milgrom
- Motty Perry
- Eric van Damme
- Bob Wilson
UMTS auctions
- IMT-2000 Licensing Conditions & Status: a selected regional overview
- UMTS summary from cellular-news
- UK (results) (6 Mar-27 Apr 2000)
- Netherlands (results in English) (10-24 Jul 2000)
- Germany (results) (31 Jul-17 Aug 2000)
- Italy (results in English; click calendar for 19, 20, 23 Oct) (19-23 Oct 2000)
- Austria (final result) (2-3 Nov 2000)
- New Zealand (10 Jul 2000-21 Feb 2001)
- Switzerland (results) (13 Nov 2000 not!; 6 Dec 2000)
- Canada (results) (15 Jan-1 Feb 2001)
- Belgium (due March 2001)
- Australia (result summary; final result) (15-22 Mar 2001)
- Singapore (due April 2001)
- Hong Kong (due Apr 2001)
- Israel (due second quarter 2001)
- Denmark (sealed bid) (due Oct 2001)
- Czech Republic (for 1/4 licenses; due 2001)
- USA (due Sep 2002)
Other auctions
Nigeria (2G ascending clock auction; 17-19 Jan 2001) Results
The world's first ascending-clock-plus-sealed-bid-auction. 5 bidders for 3 licenses. Reservation price $100,000,000. Auction ended Day 3, Round 17, price $285,000,000. High bidders in final round: Communications Investment Ltd (CIL), Econet Wireless, MTN Communications (also bidding: MSI-Celtel, United Networks). 3 licenses were allocated, to Econet, MTN and Nitel. Auction organised by the Nigerian Communications Commission, advised by CRA London and RSI.
Telecoms information
- TotalTelecom links
- Analysis Telecoms virtual library
- UMTS Forum
- TotalTelecom news
- 3GNewsroom
- cellular-news
- 3gportal news
- Telecom Information Resources (MacKie-Mason)
Jennifer C Smith's work on Auction Strategy and Design
Jennifer C Smith has worked with bidders in telecommunications spectrum auctions in the UK, Italy, Switzerland and other countries. This work has been undertaken in collaboration with arguably the world's most eminent auction strategist, Peter Cramton, and/or the top economics consulting company Charles River Associates London (CRA). We apply game theory relating to auction strategy to the real-world problem facing bidders of acquiring a spectrum license without paying too much, in the context of particular auction rules and particular competing bidders. The work also involves developing sophisticated computer software incorporating these game theoretic ideas. This software combines three functions: tracking the bids during the auction, assessing and recommending optimal strategy in the light of competitors' bids, and simulating the future progress of the auction.
Jennifer Smith's lectures on auctions
EC331 Research in Applied Economics
(lecture notes downloadable only by Warwick users)
Consultant, Charles River Associates