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Jennifer Smith

Photo of Dr J C Smith

Curriculum Vitae

Jennifer Smith

Contact details

Email: Jennifer dot Smith at warwick dot ac dot uk

Room: S1.125

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Dr Jennifer C Smith

Associate Professor of Economics

UKHLS Event Histories Fellowship April 2022 - March 2023
CAGE Research Associate

Research Interests
  • Event history data and labour market dynamics
  • Labour market and wage dynamics
  • Migration
  • Productivity
  • Labour Economics
  • Macroeconomics

View more data and other resources related to my research.


  • EC204 and EC239 Economics 2: Macroeconomics (core second year macro for joint honours students)
  • EC230 Money and Banking and EC352 Money and Banking for Finalists

Recent Publications

"Population Growth, Immigration, and Labour Market Dynamics", (with Mike Elsby and Jonathan Wadsworth), forthcoming in Demography. Also CAGE WP593 (November 2021), Warwick Economics Research Paper 1383, CEP DP 1814 and IZA DP 14847.

"An International Perspective on Skills Supply and Demand: a view from the UK", invited presentation to South Africa Skills Supply and Demand Round Table hosted by Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET, NSF, LMI, SPRU) (6 October 2021).

"Issues in Estimating Production Functions and Capital Stock - in a study of the relationship between migration and productivity", presentation to ONS UK Data Service UK Business Data User Conference (21 September 2021)

"Migration, Productivity and Firm Performance", Report for the Migration Advisory Committee (2018).

"In the Shadow of the Gulag: Worker Discipline under Stalin", (with Marcus Miller), Journal of Comparative Economics (2015).

"Wage Setting - Flexibility and Rigidity in the UK since 1975", presentation to Central Bank of Ireland, Dublin (11 December 2014).

"Pay Growth, Fairness and Job Satisfaction: Implications for Nominal and Real Wage Rigidity", CAGE Working Paper 130 (June 2013). Additional Online Appendix.

Discussion of "What's Going On Behind the Euro Area Beveridge Curve?" by Bonthuis, Jarvis and Vanhala [original paper]. ECB/CEPR Labour Market Workshop 2012 on "Labour Market Policies and the Crisis", held at the European Central Bank, Frankfurt (17-18 December 2012).

"Unemployment and Mismatch in the UK", Bank of England/Institute of Macroeconomics Conference on "Unemployment, productivity and potential output: the aftermath of the crisis" (October 2012).

The Role of Worker Flows in the Dynamics and Distribution of UnemploymentLink opens in a new window (with Michael W L Elsby and Jonathan Wadsworth), Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol.27, pp.338-363. June 2011 version available as IZA Discussion Paper 5784. April 2011 version available as Warwick Economics Research Paper number 962.

The Ins and Outs of UK UnemploymentLink opens in a new window (April 2011 version). Published in the The Economic Journal, vol.121, issue.552, pp.402-444. VoxEu column on the Ins and Outs of UK Unemployment.

Recession and prospects for recovery, comparing UK and US, [Powerpoint or PDF]: Bank of England, 25 March 2011 (based on an update of Elsby and Smith, 2010). [Powerpoint or PDF]: ONS Labour Market Satistics Conference, BIS Conference Centre, London, 2 March 2011.

The Great Recession in the UK Labour Market: A Transatlantic Perspective (September 2010 version) (with Michael W L Elsby). Published in the National Institute Economic Review, No.214, R26-R37 (October 2010). September 2010 version available as Warwick Economics Research Paper number 945.

Differences in decline: quantile regression analysis of union wage premia in the United Kingdom, 1991-2003 (April 2009) (with Wiji Arulampalam and Alejandra Manquilef). IZA Discussion Paper 4138.

How costly is downward nominal rigidity in the United Kingdom? (August 2006). Research supported by DTI Labour Market Flexibility Small Grants Fund.

Nominal wage rigidity in the United Kingdom, Economic Journal 110 (March 2000), 176-195.

Older Publications

Market structure in mobile telecoms: qualified indirect access and the receiver pays principle, Information, Economics and Policy 10 (December 1999) (with Chris Doyle).

Crime and drugs: an economic analysis, Warwick Economics Research Paper 477 (April 1997).

Effet de pouvoir de négociation et du marché local du travail sur la détermination des salaires (Bargaining power and local labour market influences on wage determination), Economie et Prevision 126 (1996-5) 1-17.

Wage interactions: comparisions or fall-back options, Economic Journal 106 (March 1996) 495-506.