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Mark Harrison: Economics of WW2

This page gives access to the data that appear in my book The Economics of World War II: Six Great Powers in International Comparison (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998). Two files are provided. One provides all the data published in the book in Word 97 format. The other provides the data published in Chapter 1 in Excel 97 format, including underlying data and calculations, with a correction as noted below.

NameSelect to sort (ascending) DescriptionSelect to sort (ascending) File Size
All tables This Word 97 file provides all tables in the book, reproducing all figures as published. Note that in Table 1.3 the figures for the Soviet Union are affected by a spreadsheet error. For corrected figures see the Excel 97 file for Chapter 1 tables. (3.0 MB)
Chapter 1 tables This Excel 97 file provides the tables published in Chapter 1, including underlying data and calculations. Note. The figures provided here for Table 1.3 correct a spreadsheet error in the published version. (198 KB)

Download all files as a zip