Extracurricular Opportunities
Postgraduate students
Don't wait for opportunity, create it
A good degree is not enough; employers value and look for evidence of a wide range of employability skills that are difficult to evidence from your academic studies alone. Extracurricular activities are a great way of showcasing your skills to potential employers.
Extracurricular Opportunities
There are lots of things for you to get involved in during your time at Warwick apart from studying for your degree. Recruiters will ask you about extracurricular activities on application forms and in interviews as they show what interests you, what you are passionate about and what skills you have developed outside of the lecture room. Make yourself stand out and get involved. Here's a taster of just some of the options available to you:

Do you need help with your IT Skills? The University has lots of IT Training Courses available to help develop your skills using different software.

The Warwick Award will help you to develop vital skills to improve your employability whilst completing your studies, at a pace that suits you.

Lacuna is an online magazine, run by the Centre for Human Rights in Practice, that challenges indifference to suffering and promotes human rights. Its aim is to fill the gap between the short-term immediacy of daily journalism and long-term academic analysis. Want to write for Lacuna?

Become an SSLC Rep! Students are elected to the position of course rep by their peers, and represent their degree programme at the Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC). As a course rep you must attend the SSLC meetings and maintain a dialogue with students on your course throughout the year. Find out more.

Warwick Law in the Community (LinC): cultivates opportunities for students to gain practical experience in law while also making a meaningful contribution to our community locally, nationally and internationally. Find out more about the volunteering opportunities available to our students.

Mooting is an advocacy competition which enables you to develop your communication, teamwork, and legal research skills. While developing your core competencies, mooting is also highly regarded by employers, making it an excellent addition to any application. Find out more.

Death Penalty Project: A unique opportunity for 'hands-on' experience in legal work involving the common law system of the United States. Get in touch with the Centre for Human Rights in Practice for more information.

Get involed with Critical Lawyers at Warwick (CLAW). An association run by Warwick Law School students aiming to provide a platform for accessing 'alternative' careers to commercial law. Check them out.

Get active in the local community by becoming a volunteer. Whether you have a busy schedule or lots of free time there are a range of Warwick Volunteers projects as well as external partners and charities to choose from.
Student Societies
Being involved in a society, especially as a member of the executive committee, can be an excellent way of highlighting your leadership capabilities. There are lots to choose from but here are some of the Law specific ones:

Warwick Presents is about life outside of the classroom. Explore cultural celebrations, screenings, games, sports, and opportunities to perform, create and connect. Make the most out of your time at Warwick, it's YOUR student experience.
Keep an eye on our online noticeboard and social media channels for more opportunities throughout the year.