Attendance Requirements

Attendance at seminars is a compulsory part of the programme. You will learn much more, and perform at a higher level, if you attend seminars and classes (as well as lectures) regularly. If you are unable to attend a seminar class due to illness, please notify us in advance and we will try to fit you into a different seminar. Please read more information on self-certification and seminar attendance. If your attendance record is poor, you may be assigned additional penalty work via University Regulation 13.1 to compensate for these absences.

If medical problems affect your attendance, it is essential that you speak to your personal tutor and/or module tutors about this problem and obtain and submit to the department a written note from a professional confirming your condition. We do not invoke Regulation 13.1 in such cases (if we have an acceptable note in hand), and aim wherever possible not to need to invoke it at all.

Students must obtain permission via the law attendance email if they intend for any reason to be away from the University for more than five working days.

Attendance Monitoring

The department is required by the University to monitor your attendance and engagement with your course. This is done through the year via a system of monitoring points. These points will include mandatory meetings with your tutors, attendance at seminars and submission of assessed work.

This monitoring allows the department to identify early any students who might be experiencing difficulties and offer the appropriate levels of support.

International students should be particularly aware of the consequences of missing monitoring points. Student Administrative Services is obliged to report to the Home Office UK Visas and Immigration if any Tier 4 students have been found not to be engaging with and attending their degree course. This will normally lead to the curtailment of their visas.