Together with colleagues across the University, we are committed to supporting your academic success and professional development. We have a range of support available for you to use both within our department and the wider University.

Your Personal Tutor and Wellbeing Support

Each student is assigned a personal tutor from the Law School who will provide academic advice and assist you with your orientation into University life. New students can find out who has been assigned as their personal tutor on Tabula. Your tutor will be your primary point of contact with whom to discuss your academic progress. You can also talk to your tutor about any other matter of concern to you. Please do not hesitate to contact them if you are experiencing any difficulties. Any information you provide will be dealt with confidentially, will not impact on your studies and your personal tutor, along with the Law School, will make the necessary effort to assist you. Your personal tutor will be able to help you get in touch with other services across the University should you need them. These may include the Students’ Union, Counselling Services, the Medical Centre, Nightline, the Careers Advisory Service, and the Chaplaincy. Find out more about Wellbeing Support Services.

Please make arrangements to meet with your personal tutor in the first couple of weeks of term. It is especially important that you see your personal tutor at the beginning of the year so that they can get to know you. The tutor assigned to you at the beginning of your first year will normally remain your personal tutor throughout your time at Warwick. Sometimes, however, when a member of staff is on study leave you will be temporarily assigned another member of staff as a personal tutor.

One of the most common roles of a personal tutor is to provide a reference for their tutees. Whilst you are free to ask any member of staff to provide you with a reference, your personal tutor will always provide one if asked. It helps personal tutors if you keep them informed of your progress and aspirations and if you do want them to be a referee, it will be appreciated if you provide them with a copy of your CV.

Our experience is that the personal tutor system works well. If, however, you do not find your relationship with your tutor to be a helpful one, then please discuss the situation with your Year One Wellbeing Tutor.

Dr Helen Toner - First Year (UG) Wellbeing Tutor

The Year One Wellbeing Tutor can assist with all problems that impact on academic work, especially surrounding issues of essay submission deadlines and examinations, as well as any temporary absences from the university. Students can consult them directly or via their own personal tutor. The Wellbeing Tutor works closely with our Student Services Manager, Becca Kirk, and other student support services where appropriate, and can discuss referrals onto further specialist support services for specific advice on health, accommodation, financial, careers, skills, counselling or mental health issues.

Warwick Law School Key Contacts

In addition to your personal tutor, there are many members of staff available within the department to assist you with any queries you might have. For most general enquiries, you should visit the Law School Student Services Team office, which is located in room S0.07C, Social Sciences. Alternatively you could email the undergraduate office or call our team on +44 (0)24 7652 3075. In addition to the support offered by the Law School, you may also contact your Student Staff Liaison Committee (SSLC) representatives to voice your concerns on your behalf.

Law School Student Services Team:

Email the team

Rebekah Coady - Programmes Coordinator

Jessica Judson - Programmes Coordinator

Lesley Morris - Programmes Coordinator

Filipa Lourenco - Programmes Coordinator

Christine Warner - Student Records Coordinator

Rachael Bidgood - Taught Programmes Coordinator

Chris Kempton - Taught Programmes Coordinator

Becca Williams - Student Services Manager

Sukhjit Takhar - Deputy Student Services Manager

Aqsa Akhtar - Widening Participation Officer

Other Assistance in the Law School:

Dr Maggie O'Brien - Director of UG Studies (Term 1 and 3)

Dr Daniel Lowe - Deputy Director of UG Studies/Director of UG Studies (Term 2)

Dr Helen Toner - First Year (UG) Wellbeing Tutor

Prof Jane Bryan - Director of Student Wellbeing UG

Dr Rebecca Munro and Dr Carolina Alonso Bejarano - Co-Directors of Student Experience

Samantha Brown - Senior Careers Consultant

Jackie Hanes - Academic Support Librarian

Abigail Remmer - Academic Technologist

Across the University

The Library: Open 24/7 the Library offers a range of study spaces as well as subject specific resources.

Undergraduate Skills: The Skills team helps to ensure all Warwick students are ready for life after graduation - and equipped with the skills they need for a successful future.

Student Staff Liaison Committee: The SSLC offers essential channels of communication between students and staff.

Student Funding Support: Financial advice including for those in financial difficulties is available from Financial Advisors in the Academic Office.

Student Disability Services: If you have a disability or learning support need, it is important to contact disability services before starting your studies, even if you have already declared this on your UCAS application. Additional support can take time to arrange so contact them ASAP to ensure you get the support you are entitled to.

Accommodation Support: The Residential Community Team provide support to students who are living on campus in University accommodation. The RCT work and live alongside students within the halls of residence and are a key part of welfare and support at Warwick.

Student Union Welfare Support Services: The Students’ Union Advice and Welfare Service offer advice on a range of problems, including immigration and visa issues.

Wellbeing and Student Support Services: A range of support to help you develop the personal resources and skills you need to navigate the challenges and opportunities of student life.