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Ana Aliverti


Policing; Criminal Law; Criminal Justice; Border Controls; Immigration; Citizenship; Criminology; Asylum Decision Making

School of Law
S2.26, Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom

024 765 28398

Ana's research work looks at the intersections between criminal law and criminal justice, on the one hand, and border regimes, on the other, and explores the impact of such intertwining on the national criminal justice institutions and on those subject to the resulting set of controls. It examines questions of citizenship and belonging in criminal justice, and law's instrumental and symbolic power for boundary drawing, as well as the place of morality and affects in state power. She has conducted research on the criminal courts, the police, and immigration enforcement.

She concluded a project on the policing of migration which investigated the growing cooperation between immigration enforcement and the police, and explores the new contours of law enforcement in the context of globalization. Its findings form part of the book 'Policing the Borders Within' (Oxford University Press, 2021).

Ana is currently leading two projects: the first, with Anastasia Chamberlen and Henrique Carvalho, explores the ambivalent emotional and affective economies of state power in the governance of social marginality. Through empirical and legal methodologies, it traces the conflicting logics, emotions, and affects in the treatment of socially marginalised groups in the criminal and administrative justice domains. The second project on border controls and humanitarianism, with Elisa García España and Roberto Dufraix, explores the conflicting demands of border work and the emotional and moral pains it creates on frontline staff in Dover (UK), Ceuta (Spain) and Colchane (Chile).

She is also the co-editor of the book 'Decolonising the Criminal Question: Rethinking the Legacies, Epistemologies and Geographies of Criminal Justice' (with Anastasia Chamberlen, Henrique Carvalho and Maximo Sozzo) (Oxford University Press, 2023).

Her research has been funded by the British Academy, the Leverhulme Trust, and the Economic and Social Research Council. Her book, 'Crimes of Mobility' (Routledge, 2013), was co-awarded the British Society of Criminology Best Book Prize for 2014 and her article 'Making People Criminal' was awarded the best article of the year in Theoretical Criminology (2012). She is the recipient of the British Academy Rising Star Engagement Award (BARSEA) (2015) and of the Philip Leverhulme Prize in Law (2017). Her article 'Benevolent Policing? Vulnerability and the Moral Pains of Border Controls’ published in the British Journal of Criminology won the 2020 Radzinowicz Prize.