Lotte Young Andrade

Senior Graduate Teaching Assistant and PhD Candidate
Access to Justice; Feminist Legal Theory; Socio-legal Theory; Feminist Activist Movements; Gender-Based Violence; Criminal Law and Justice
School of Law
Social Sciences Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
My research interests are in gender-based violence, socio-legal research, access to justice, feminist activist movements, and feminist intersectional theories and approaches. My PhD research is focusing on the evolving (legal) role of domestic abuse caseworkers in England after legal aid cuts in 2012. Through semi-structured interviews with domestic abuse caseworkers, this research has explored how domestic abuse services have adapted their services to support victim-survivors of domestic abuse in a climate of cuts to legal aid and other essential services. This research is being supervised by Vanessa MunroLink opens in a new window and Tara Mulqueen.