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Research Clusters

Arts, Culture and Law

This cluster brings together researchers engaging with arts and culture either in direct collaboration with artists, as a methodology or as an object of study. We work across music, architecture, criminal justice, postcolonial theory, cultural heritage, creative writing, storytelling, cultural history and much more.

Comparative Law and Culture

Comparative Law and Culture is a hallmark of the School's research. Conducted via a range of methodologies the groups focuses include financial markets; human and minority rights; labour law and industrial relations; agriculture and biotechnology; dispute resolution processes; and Islamic vs European socio-legal systems.

Contract, Business and Commercial Law

The School of Law has a number of scholars carrying out research related to contract and commercial law including the concept of unfair terms and exclusion clauses within contract law, English-European comparative law, economic regulation, taxation of corporate finance and communications law.

Development and Human Rights

Warwick has established an international reputation for its research in International Development Law and Human Rights. The group consists of scholars and research students actively engaging in human rights, development and social justice issues in the Global South including newly industrialised and transitional economies.

Empirical Approaches

The School of Law has a strong, and growing, reputation for socio-legal empirical research. The Empirical Approaches cluster includes staff with a wide variety of interests including: criminal justice; family law; gender and the law; governance and regulation; human rights; and refugee law.

Gender and the Law

Women and the law has been a focus at Warwick since 1977 with the introduction of graduate modules. The focus has expanded to include women’s relation to development issues and post colonial societies, gender and human rights in Islam and international law and gender-based violence during armed conflict.

Governance and Regulation

The Governance and Regulation Cluster incorporates a variety of contexts, from banking and business to the provision of entertainment in the leisure industry. Research is strongly influenced by national and international current events and their effects on the interface between government, markets and the citizen.

International and European Law

The International and European Law Cluster comprises academics working in the field of public international law, international criminal law, international humanitarian law, refugee law, international economic law, international human rights as well as those whose work has an international dimension.

Law and Humanities

Several academics at Warwick have approached law in its cultural setting and akin to Arts and Humanities disciplines. The study of law as a humanities' discipline concerns human beings engagement with the law’s connection to writing, reading, interpretation of text, representation, performance and persuasion.

Legal Theory

Legal Theory at Warwick is both diverse and attuned to the School's contextual and international approaches. Interests include critical, economic, feminist, law and literature/humanities, liberal, Marxist and postcolonial theory with theoretical orientation in criminal law, international development and human rights law.


The Migration Cluster focuses on any issue relating to the movement of people. The aim of the cluster is to provide a useful forum in which to discuss ideas, work in progress, and grant proposals, and to present work and hear from invited guest speakers