Extracurricular Opportunities
Extracurricular Opportunities
There are lots of things for you to get involved in during your time at Warwick apart from studying for your degree. Extracurricular activities are a great way of showcasing your skills to potential employers. Plus they can help you make friends and have some fun. Here are just some of the options available:
Student Societies
Being involved in a society, especially as a member of the executive committee, can be an excellent way of highlighting your leadership capabilities. There are lots to choose from but here are some of the Law specific ones:
Student Staff Liaison Committees
Our SSLCs offer essential channels of communication between students and staff and often lead to changes being implemented to improve your student experience. Plus working as a student representative can be a great way of demonstrating your communication and negotiation skills. SSLC elections will be advertised throughout the first week of term and elections will take place in week two. Students elected as representatives attend the SSLC meetings to present and represent student views. Get involved.
Sports clubs are entirely student run and an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your teamwork skills to future employers. Plus we have amazing new facilities over at the Sports and Wellness Hub.
Student Research
Research is not just for postgraduates. Each year, many law undergraduates will undertake research projects, either as part of their studies or as an extracurricular activity. They may even present their findings in journals and/or at national and international conferences. Find out more about funding and dissemination opportunities open to all undergraduates.
Lacuna Magazine
Lacuna is an online magazine, run by the Centre for Human Rights in Practice, that challenges indifference to suffering and promotes human rights. Its aim is to fill the gap between the short-term immediacy of daily journalism and long-term academic analysis. Want to write for Lacuna?
Mooting Competitions
Mooting is an advocacy competition which enables you to develop your communication, teamwork, and legal research skills. You can do this by participating in competitions. While developing your core competencies, mooting is also highly regarded by employers, making it an excellent addition to any application. Find out more.
Death Penalty Project
A unique opportunity for 'hands-on' experience in legal work involving the common law system of the United States. Get in touch with the Centre for Human Rights in Practice for more information.
Coventry Law Centre
CLC is a charity providing free legal advice and representation to people whose human rights have been breached. They offer various volunteering opportunities for our students.
Warwick Skills Portfolio Award
The Warwick Skills Portfolio Award (WSPA) will help you to develop skills that are valued by employers and that will be useful for you more broadly, in your personal life and whilst studying here at Warwick.
Warwick Volunteers
Get active in the local community by becoming a volunteer. Work with project leaders and local charities during term time, volunteer over the summer break or take part in the one off volunteeering programme without having to give a regular commitment.
World at Warwick
Explore a world of international opportunities on your doorstep with World at Warwick.
Recruiters will ask you about extracurricular activities on application forms and in interviews as they show what interests you, what you are passionate about and what skills you have developed outside of the lecture room. Make yourself stand out and get involved. Keep an eye on our student newsletter and social media channels for more opportunities throughout the year.