Law Widening Participation (WP) Programme

Since 2015 the Law School has run a programme for students from widening participation backgrounds. The aim of our WP Programme is to help students get the most out of their studies, access competitive internships, graduate schemes and training contracts, as well as providing a social group to meet others and share your experiences.

Who to contact

Please email us at

Who is it for?

Law students from under-represented backgrounds, including home students who meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Received a contextual offer
  • Are from neighbourhoods and schools where there are low rates of people going to university or a high level of deprivation
  • Attended a school with below average performance
  • Care leavers or estranged students
  • Mature students
  • Students with care responsibilities
  • Who are in receipt of an income assessed bursary - including a Warwick Bursary, a Warwick Scholars Bursary or a Multicultural Scholars Programme scholarship (in combination with other criteria)

At the beginning of the academic year, the Law WP Officer will contact students who we think may be eligible, however if any of the criteria above apply to you please fill in the form to join the Law WP programme.

What does it involve?

In previous years the Law WP programme has run a series of lunch meetings, careers events, talks and socials. We encourage students to attend events, work experience and scholarship programmes which are specifically targeted at under-represented groups, and we promote these as they come up. There are a number of networks, some Law specific, who organise these events and programmes, listed on our Law Careers Diversity page.Link opens in a new window

There is also a fund to help students on the programme with additional costs, for example reimbursing travel for events and open days at Law Firms (only for events where student's aren't paid to attend and travel is not already subsidised)

The programme is entirely optional and students can engage with it as much or as little as they wish.


Adapting to university study and campus life can be challenging for anyone, however, research and student feedback suggests that students from under-represented backgrounds are more likely to experience additional hurdles with their studies and accessing highly competitive graduate professions, such as Law. The University's WP Strategy identifies priority groups of students where there is the greatest evidence of the need to unlock talent and fulfil potential across all stages of the lifecycle.