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New article in International Organization by Tom Long

Tom Long's article, co-authored with Carsten-Andreas Schulz of Cambridge University, has been published by International Organization, among the most prestigious outlets in International Relations. "Compensatory Layering and the Birth of the Multipurpose Multilateral IGO in the Americas" emerges from Long and Schulz's AHRC-funded research on Latin America and the formation of international order. In the piece, Long and Schulz illustrate the innovations that led to the creation of the world's first multipurpose, multilateral international organization--a form associated with the League of Nations and the United Nations. The first such body was the Pan American Union, which developed between 1890 and 1910 through a series of bargains between the United States and Latin American states. The article builds a bridge between Global International Relations and the study of institutional design, while also advancing institutionalist understanding of the design and development of IOs.

You can read Tom's article here.

Mon 10 Oct 2022, 16:44 | Tags: Staff Research Centre - CSGR PhD Research