North America in the balance
Tom Long has an essay on the past and present of the North American region in the new annual review of Latin American politics, published by Sciences Po's Centre for International Research.
New book on politics and performance
Bodies, Spaces, Claims: The theory and practice of performing political representation (edited by Paula Diehl and Michael Saward). Oxford University Press, December 2024
Bodies, Spaces, Claims - Paula Diehl; Michael Saward - Oxford University Press
Prospects for Inclusive Governance in Syria: Identifying Challenges and Opportunities
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 3pm GMT Teams, via registration at fb6a-491d-a05c-0fe4b2e83177@09bacfbd-47ef-4465-9265-3546f2eaf6bc
Podcast on the Politics of Climate Scenarios
Ben Clift and Caroline Kuzemko’s SPERI ‘new thinking in political economy’ podcast explores the Politics of Climate Scenarios