Charlotte Heath-Kelly
Professor of Politics and International Studies
PhD in International Politics (Aberystwyth, 2012); MscEcon Political Theory (Cardiff, 2008); BA Politics and Philosophy (Cardiff, 2005)
Room: D1.19
Advice and feedback hours: by appointment only (email me).
I am currently leading a large ERC funded study of counter-radicalisation practices in Europe, exploring how states (and municipalities) implement counter-terrorism through their social welfare and health sectors. For more information, please see our project website.
My research also focuses on:
- Terrorism Memorials and Collective Memory. The British International Studies Association filmed a roundtable discussion of the 'Curating Conflict' project here, and interviewed me about Spanish terrorism victims associations and commemoration here.
- UK Counter-Radicalisation Policy: Recently, I collaborated with Community Policy Forum and Ilyas Nagdee on this podcast, where we discuss the UK Prevent Strategy and the anticipated Shawcross review. In May 2021, I collaborated with MedAct on a report into psychiatric involvement in UK counter-terrorism policing, specifically focusing on the racialised metrics of suspicion implemented in the 'Vulnerability Support Hubs' project. Previously, I've studied the introduction of Prevent Duty safeguarding in the NHS which the Guardian covered here and here. The Institute of Race Relations have also covered my findings here.
- Counterterrorism in the UK & USA: Ted-X Warwick talk on 'The Motivations for Terrorism'
Recent Publications
- (2023) Vulnerability: Governing the Social through Security Politics (eds. Charlotte Heath-Kelly & Barbara Gruber) (Manchester University Press).
- (2016) Death and Security: Memory and Mortality at the Bombsite (Manchester University Press). Reviewed in Critical Studies on Security; response to reviewer comments available here.
- (2013) Politics of Violence: Militancy, International Politics, Killing in the Name (Abingdon: Routledge). Shortlisted for 2014 Susan Strange Book Prize, reviewed in Critical Studies on Terrorism journal here. The Ted talk I gave on this project can be viewed here.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- (2024) 'Multi Agency Counter-Terrorism in Britain and Norway: Intelligence Agencies and the Distribution of Welfare', Security Dialogue, 55(4), 2024, pp.386-403
(2024) ‘Devolution and the Prevent Strategy in Scotland: Constitutional Politics and the Path of Scottish P/CVE’, Parliamentary Affairs, 77(2), pp.350-70.
- (2023) 'Rehabilitation within Pre-crime Interventions: The Hybrid Criminology of Social Crime Prevention and Countering Violent Extremism', Theoretical Criminology 27(2), pp.183–203. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'What Drives Counter-Extremism? The Extent of P/CVE Policies in the West and their Structural Correlates', Terrorism and Political Violence. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'The Long History of Prevention: Social Defence, Security and Anticipating Future Crimes in the Era of 'Penal Welfarism', Theoretical Criminology, 26(3), pp.357-76. Co-authored with Sadi Shanaah.
- (2022) 'Cold War Psychiatry, Extremism and Expertise: The 'Special Committee Against the Political Abuse of Psychiatry', International Political Sociology, 16(1), pp.1-18.
- (2022) 'Fighting terrorism at the local level: the European Union, radicalisation prevention and the negotiation of subsidiarity', European Security, 31(2), pp.313-33. Co-authored by Francesca Melhuish & Charlotte Heath-Kelly.
- (2022) 'A Moral Education? British Values, Colour-Blindness, and Preventing Terrorism’, Critical Social Policy 42(1), pp.85-106. Co-authored by Christine Winter; Charlotte Heath-Kelly; Amna Kaleem & China Mills.
For a list of publications, please click here.
2020 - 2025: Primary Investigator on 'Neoliberal Terror: The Radicalisation of Social Policy in Europe' (European Research Council, 1.5 million Euros)
2018 - 2019: Co-Investigator on 'Counterterrorism Curricula in English Schools: Positive and Negative Peace in the War on Terror' (Max Batley Seedcorn Funding, University of Sheffield, £3,900)
2017 - 2018: Principal Investigator on 'Counterterrorism in the NHS: Evaluating Prevent Duty Safeguarding by Midlands Healthcare Providers' (Wellcome Trust Seed Award in Humanities and Social Sciences, £43, 570).
2016 - 2019: Principal Investigator on 'Resilience at the Bombsite: Reconstructing Post-Terrorist Space' (ESRC Future Research Leaders Award, £135,486).
2015: Principal Investigator on 'The Political Life of Rubble: Bombsite Relics and Cosmopolitan Identity' (Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow Award, £82,560)
2013 - 2015: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Study, University of Warwick (£82,276).
2012 - 2014: Principal Investigator on 'Securing through the Failure to Secure: Reclaiming Post-Terrorist Space' (British Academy Small Grant, £5,200).