Teaching and Supervisions

PhD Supervisions
Prof Hughes supervises doctoral researchers working on topics such as Japan’s international relations, Japanese security and military policy, US-Japan relations, Japan-China relations, Japan-Korea relations, Japan-ASEAN relations, US security strategy in East Asia, new military technology, the political economy of defence, and East Asian security in general. Chris welcomes approaches from well-qualified and motivated students looking for a potential supervisor in these areas.
A list of current and past students is listed here.
Supervisions in progress Completed students
Supervisions in progress
Junil YoonTraumatizing Japan: Securitization and Ontological Security in Foreign Policy Making.
Veronica Barfucci
Japan's grand strategy shift and the 'Abe Doctrine'
June McCabe
The 'Normalisation' of the Culture and Identity of the Japan Self-Defences and Effect on the Politics of Antimilitarism
Xinyuan Ren
Chinese Nationalism and Foreign Policy
Natsumi Shiino (starting September 2024)
Completed students
Sun-won ParkThe Dynamics of Triangular Intra-Alliance Politics: Political Interventions of the United States.
Jeong-yong KimSouth Korea’s Sunshine Policy Towards North Korea, 1998-2002: Domestic Imperatives and Private Interests.
Shigeko HayashiJapan and East Asian Monetary Regionalism: Towards a Proactive Leadership Role?
Tomonori TakiGlobalisation, Labour Migration and State Transformation in Japan: The Language Barrier and Resilience of the Japanese State in the 1990s.
Nopreanue Sajjarax DhirathitiIdentity Transformation and Japan’s UN Security Policy: From the Gulf Crisis to Human Security.
Benjamin YeungPolicy and Ideas in the People’s Republic of China: The Evolution of the Discourse on Economic Security, 1997-2006.
Akiko OnoderaJapan’s Diplomacy Towards ASEAN: A Study of the Determinants of the Japanese Foreign Policy-Making System.
Lai Yew MengNationalism and Power Politics in Japan’s Relations with China: A Neoclassical Realist Interpretation.
Soon-ok ShinThe Role of Identity in Northeast Asian Security Culture: South Korea’s Middle Power Diplomacy and the North Korean Nuclear Crisis.
Jinsoo ParkSino-Japanese Competitive Leadership and East Asian Regionalism: The Chiang Mai Initiative and East Asian Organisations.
Victoria TukeJapan’s Foreign Policy towards India: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis of the Policymaking Process.
Kazunori MoriiJapan’s Persistent Engagement Policy toward Myanmar in the Post-Cold War Era: A Case of Japan’s ‘Problem-Driven Practicalism’.
Hidefumi NishiyamaRace, Biometrics, and Security in Modern Japan: A History of Border Politics in Japan.
Misato MatsuokaMoving Beyond (Traditional) Alliance Theory: The US- Neo-Gramscian Approach to the US-Japan Alliance.
Miriam GrinbergThe US-Japan Alliance and the Relocation of Futenma: Sites of Discursive Exchange in the Reproduction of Security.
Atsuko WatanabeGeopolitics as a Traveling Theory: The Evolution of Geopolitical Imagination in Japan, 1925-1945.
Fumihito GotoJapanese Resistance to American Financial Hegemony: Global Versus Domestic Social Norms.
Tim StreetThe Politics of Nuclear Disarmament: Obstacles to and Opportunities for Eliminating Nuclear Weapons in and Between Nuclear Weapons States.
Michiel FoulonUS Grand Strategy Towards China, 1991-2015: A Neoclassical Realist Analysis.
Chieh-chi HsiehA Historical Institutionalist Approach to Asian Financial Regionalism: A Case Study of the Making of Japan’s Regional Financial Cooperation Policies, 1997-2017.
Yuki WataiJapan’s Incremental Grand Strategic Shift in the 21st Century: The Cases of Article 9 and Ballistic Missile Defence Through a Neoclassical Realist Approach.
Kyoungyun KoAmerica’s Alliance Management and Military Technology Transfer Policies: The Case of Japan and South Korea in Aerospace Cooperation.
Katie DingleyEmotional Attachment: Emotions and Gender in Japanese Conservatives’ Pursuit of Ontological Security.
Seuk Hoon Baik
A Strategic Theory of International Politics: The Origins of War
Max Warrack
Japan's Cultural Remilitarisation: Gendered Representations of the Japan Self Defence Forces in Manga.