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Kerem Öge


Assistant Professor

MA Course Director in Public Policy

PAIS Teaching Network Coordinator

PAIS Employability and Alumni Relations Lead

WIHEA Fellow


Room: D1.12

Advice and Feedback Hours:

Thursdays: 13:30-14:30 (D1.12)

Fridays: 13:30-14:30 (D1.12)

Please use this form to book a 10-minute slot.


I am an Assistant Professor in Politics and International Studies. Previously, I have worked as a lecturer at King’s College London, Aston University, and University of Nottingham.

I studied at the Middle East Technical University for a BSc in International Relations and a Minor degree in International Economics. I have an MA in International Political Economy from the University of Warwick and I received my PhD in Political Science from Boston College, Massachusetts in 2013. I have held postdoctoral positions at Université Laval and McGill University.


My research interests include energy policy and geopolitics, climate politics, politics of AI, political economy of natural resources, transparency and corruption, and digital surveillance.

I have recently been awarded an Open Research Area (ORA) funding for my collaborative project titled 'Frames in Production: actors, networks, diffusion’ (FRAMENET) (2021-2024). I am a Co-Investigator for the project, which seeks to trace the origins of communication frames globally in six issue areas. I look particularly into the networks of frames on climate policy and AI and discover how they diffuse by using discourse network analysis.

My other current project takes an innovative approach to explaining the causes of energy disputes. Specifically, it uses a cutting-edge method called Discourse Network Analysis (DNA) to analyse how actors frame natural gas security. By tracing how political and economic frames around natural gas appear and diffuse, this method reveals patterns of cooperation and conflict in natural gas trade over the last two decades. On this topic, I have recently published a research article in Geopolitics.


PO3B4: Politics of Artificial Intelligence

PO3A5: The Politics of Climate Change

PO9F5: Energy Security

PO977: Theories and Traditions in Public Policy


Öge, K. (2024) "Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative", Edward Elgar Encyclopedia of Corruption.

Öge, K. (2021) “Understanding Pipeline Politics in Eurasia: Turkey’s Transit Security in Natural Gas”, Geopolitics.

Öge, K. (2017). “Elite Preferences and Impediments to Transparency Promotion in Kazakhstan” Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 50(2).

Öge, K. (2017). “Transparent Autocracies: Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and Civil Society in Authoritarian States”, The Extractive Industries and Society, 4 (4).

Öge, K. (2016) To Disclose or not to Disclose: The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Transparency Reforms. Energy Policy, 98, 133-141.

Öge, K. (2016). Which Transparency Matters? Compliance with Anti-Corruption Efforts in Extractive Industries. Resources Policy, 49, 41-50.

Öge , K. (2015). Geopolitics and Revenue Transparency in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan. Eurasian Geography and Economics, 56(1), 89-110

Öge , K. (2014). The Limits of Transparency Promotion in Azerbaijan: External Remedies to ‘Reverse the Curse’. Europe-Asia Studies, 66(9), 1482-1500.

Atikcan, E. Ö., & Öge, K. (2012). Referendum Campaigns in Polarized Societies: The Case of Turkey. Turkish Studies, 13(3).