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Louis Stockwell


PhD Candidate

For all teaching inquires please use my staff email:

Advice and Feedback Hours (via Teams or in D2.09):

Monday - 13:00 - 14:00

Friday - 11:30 - 12:30

Please email in advance to book a 15 minute slot.


I am a PhD Candidate & Associate Tutor in the Department of Politics and International Studies. I joined Warwick in 2021 after several years working in local government. I completed my BA(hons) in International Politics at the University of Huddersfield, and my MSc (cum laude) in Political Science at Leiden University.


My doctoral research, 'The (un)Settling Nature of Referendums: direct democracy and politicisation effects in eleven countries' (provisional title), focusses on understanding the relationship between referendums, issue politicisation, polarisation, and political realignment in established democracies. I am supervised by Professor Ece Özlem AtikcanLink opens in a new window and Professor Michael SawardLink opens in a new window

Research interests
  • Comparative politics
  • Direct democracy and referendums
  • Democratic innovations
  • Politicisation and polarisation
  • Political cleavages and realignment
  • Mixed-methods research
  • Time series analysis and causal inference
Awards and scholarships
  • Jean Monnet Network travel grant for visiting research at Carleton University, Ottawa (2024)
  • Winner of the ECPR Standing Group on Federalism and Regionalism Best Paper Prize 2023 for the paper: "The efficacy of unofficial referendums as regionalisation and independence protest events:
    issue salience, polarisation, and mobilisation"
  • Department of Politics and International Studies (PAIS) PhD Scholarship (2021), University of Warwick
Conference papers and invited talks
  • (Conference paper) Catalysing events? A new comparative perspective on referendums and the politicisation of the European Union, ECPR General Conference, University College Dublin, 14/08/2024
  • (Conference paper) Old question new approach: referendums and the politicisation of the European Union. ECSA-C 14th Biennial Conference, Carleton University (Ottawa), 24/05/2024
  • (Conference paper) Taking democracy into our own hands: assessing the indirect effects of unofficial regional sovereignty referendums in Spain and Italy. ECPR General Conference, Charles University (Prague), 05/09/2023
  • (Conference presentation) The efficacy of unofficial referendums as regionalisation and independence protest events . PAIS Research Conference, University of Warwick (Coventry), 28/06/2023
  • (Conference presentation) On the divergent effects of referendums as democratic innovations. PAIS Research Conference, University of Warwick (Coventry), 29/06/2022

2024/25 academic year:

  • PO132S Contemporary Themes in Comparative Politics

2023/24 academic year:

  • PO107 Introduction to Politics

2022/23 academic year:

  • PO107 Introduction to Politics
Other activities