Part-time study
If you are working, or you have other responsibilities which make it difficult to commit to a full-time degree, then you can study your degree over two years, instead of one with a lower weekly commitment over the course of your degree. You can choose any of our MA programmes for this.
Degree Structure
If you choose to study part-time with us, you will have to complete 180 CATs worth of modules. These will be distributed as follows:
ALL PROGRAMMES (except Politics, Big Data and Quantitative Methods)
Part-time 1st year students take 80 CATs of modules:
- 40 CATs core module
- 40 CATs of optional modules (either one 40 CATs module or two 20 CATs modules with one running in term 1 and the other in term 2)
Part-Time 2nd year students
- 40 CATs of optional modules made up of either one 40 CATs module or two 20 CATs modules with one running in term 1 and the other in term 2
- 60 CATs Dissertation
Part-time 1st year students take 80 CATS of modules:
- 60 CATs core module (PO91Q (Term 1), IM952 (Term1) and PO92Q (Term2))
- 20 CATs of optional modules (this module has to run in term 2, so as to produce an even split between terms)
Part-Time 2nd year students
- 40 CATs of optional modules made up of either one 40 CATs module or two 20 CATs modules with one running in term 1 and the other in term 2
- 60 CATs Dissertation