Meet the team
Professor Charlotte Heath-KellyLink opens in a new window
The Primary Investigator is Professor Charlotte Heath-Kelly who has previously researched the implementation of counter-radicalisation within the UK's NHS in a Wellcome Trust funded project. Professor Heath-Kelly has also run research projects funded by the ESRC, the Leverhulme Trust, and is currently collaborating with colleagues on projects funded by the University of Sheffield and the Norwegian Research Council.
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Room: E1.16
Dr. Sadi ShanaahLink opens in a new window
Sadi is a Research Fellow in the project with a primary responsibility for its quantitative work package. He mainly works on the development of composite indices for P/CVE (preventing and countering violent extremism) and "neo-liberal" policies of Western countries. He also contributes to the investigation of P/CVE policy diffusion in Europe, using case-studies and discourse analysis of policy documents.
His general focus is on the phenomenon of political violence and is interested in factors, mechanisms and processes that facilitate or hinder political violence, mostly from the perspective of social psychology and social movement approaches. In Sadi's doctoral research, he examined the willingness of British Muslims to engage in actions against Islamist extremism and the factors that facilitate or hinder such engagement.
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Dr. Shahnaz AkhterLink opens in a new window
Shahnaz is a postdoctoral researcher and widening participation officer for the Department of Politics and International Studies. She was awarded an ESRC Impact Innovation Fellowship to focus on the narrative of Muslim women in the UK, examining how they are marginalised using virtual reality, arts and history to uncover missing narratives from history, for which I was awarded an ESRC Impact Innovation Fellowship.
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