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About the Think Development Blog


The Think Development blog began in 2016 as an initiative of the Masters students of International Development in the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick. Since the establishment of the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID) in 2020, the Think Development blog was relaunched to provide a interdisciplinary platform for academic and non-academic contributors and audiences on issues of international development.

Since its relaunch in 2020, published blog pieces have featured cross-cutting contributions in gender, health, international security, climate change, energy, law, democracy and democratisation, international relations, and development. Our contributors are based in multiple countries across the world and we publish posts in multiple languages, seeking to engage a more diverse and inclusive audience and to learn from the exchanges we can have between places, languages and cultures. At the same time as ensuring continued discussion of long-standing debates and issues, the Think Development blog responds to contemporary events.

Think Development Blog is an inclusive platform provided by the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID) for academics, students, policymakers and practitioners to share ideas that address urgent problems of poverty, inequality and social, political and economic change while challenging global hierarchies of knowledge and resources. It is a platform for dissemination of transdisciplinary, critical and robust discussions on critical issues across themes of gender, conflict, peace, justice, mobilities, health, security and other issues

In line with WICID’s ambition as articulated by its Director Professor Shirin Rai “to be a hub for collaborative, cutting-edge research on international development and to contribute to change making for the better”, the Think Development Blog makes it possible for critical issues to be available and disseminated to a wider audience. We invite you to subscribe to the WICID newsletter so that we can keep connected with news and events from us and our partner institutions.

We acknowledge all our contributors past, present and future, for engaging with the platform for dissemination of their ideas. We acknowledge the support of the WICID Team and the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick.

Editorial Policy

Think Development Blog is an inclusive platform provided by the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development (WICID) for academics, students, policymakers and practitioners to share ideas that address urgent problems of poverty, inequality and social, political and economic change while challenging global hierarchies of knowledge and resources. It is a platform for dissemination of transdisciplinary, critical and robust discussions on poignant issues across themes of gender, conflict, peace, justice, mobilities, health, security and other issues.

In addition to the University of Warwick 5 'Guiding Principles', the Think Development Blog emphasises the principles of Respect and Accessibility.

We expect contributors to write with respect for different critical opinions or perspectives. This does not mean that an exploration of difficult topics is discouraged or avoided, but rather undertaken with sensitivities in mind. This includes responses left in comments on posts. More so, given the potential for cross-cultural misunderstandings, we request all writers to be sensitive and considerate in their use of language.

Although linked to an academic research centre, the blog hopes to promote wider engagement with non-academic audiences and contributors. Thus, we ask contributors to ensure that their work is accessible to all. Therefore, we encourage a typical submission to be around 800 - 1000 words in length and to be written in jargon free language wherever possible. Citations/references can either be academic publications (where possible Open Access articles are recommended) or hyperlinks to credible sources. Have a look through past publications for examples.

All submissions are considered by the Editorial Team through peer review. Upon publication, contributions should be viewed solely as a reflection of the views or opinions of the named writer(s), not as a reflection of the views or opinions of the Editorial Team, or that of WICID or the Department of Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick.

If you'd like to write a piece for us please email: with a short pitch and a one sentence bio about the author.

We endeavour to respond to all initial enquires within two weeks.

Our Team

Professor Briony Jones

Editorial Team


Dr Mouzayian Khalil

Editorial Team