Members and their research interests:
Stephen Butterfill
Philosophy of mind and psychology; causal understanding
Lucy Campbell (Deputy Director)
Philosophy of Mind and Action; Epistemology
Quassim Cassam
Epistemology, Politics, and The Philosophy of Terrorism and Extremism
Thomas Crowther
Metaphysics, philosophy of mind, epistemology, and Aristotle
Naomi Eilan (Director of the Centre)
Consciousness and self consciousness; philosophy of mind; philosophy of psychology; metaphysics; Wittgenstein
Christoph Hoerl
The phenomenology of conscious experience; space, time and memory; causal understanding
Hemdat Lerman
Philosophy of mind, especially perception, attention and demonstrative thought
Eliza Little
History of philosophy of mind (esp. Kant & Hegel), consciousness & self-consciousness, imagination
Guy Longworth
Philosophy of Mind and Action, Epistemology, Philosophy of Language and Linguistics, History of Philosophy (especially Descartes, J.L. Austin, Oxford Realism)
Richard Moore
Philosophy of mind, language, psychology, human and animal cognition, human evolution
Chenwei Nie
Philosophy of psychiatry, and epistemology
Philosophy of mind, philosophy of perception, in particular in the non-visual senses and auditory perception
Giulia Palazzolo
Philosophy of science, philosophy of mind, language evolution, animal minds
Johannes Roessler
Self-awareness, perceptual knowledge, agency, knowledge of other minds, philosophy of psychology, Kant
Lorenzo Serini
Epistemology, skepticism, and the history of philosophy (especially Nietzsche)
Barnaby Walker
Epistemology, philosophy of mind