Project Update January 2012
The New Year started with a busy schedule for the KMobilis team, with scholarly papers, access meetings, fieldwork and presentations to external stakeholders occupying our project days.
Relating to FIELDWORK, Maja commenced her stay with the fourth Chief Executive in our sample, spending a fascinating two weeks in the field. Her stay with the fifth CEO commences in late January. The empirical material we have gathered has been incredibly rich and valuable- our main challenge remains finding enough time to process it all! January also brought welcome news on the access front, with Chief Executive number six signing up to take part in the research. We are currently working on securing the final seventh participant for our project and have some promising leads there.
This month has also been busy on the PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS front, with our review of the literature entitled ‘Historical Developments in Research on Managerial Work: A Critical Overview’ submitted to the OMT Division of the Academy of Management. Finally, we presented initial reflections from the field to a group of CEOs at the SDO Network CEO Forum in London on January 12. This was a welcome opportunity to reflect on some of the things we’ve learned so far and where we might need to go still. The CEOs were a predictably engaging and challenging audience, and gave us much to ponder as we prepare for the focus groups and presentations to come. This includes the upcoming CEO Forum dinner in Nottingham on February 1, which we are preparing for at the moment.