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David Skeie joins panel to discuss research - Digging into the digital pound

Preparations for a digital pound are advancing apace, with the Bank of England and HM Treasury thinking it likely that, in some form, a central bank digital currency will need to be issued in the future. Are they right? If so, what form should a digital Pound take? Join SPE members to hear from – and challenge – a panel of experts on this hot topic on May 30th.

Tue 14 May 2024, 12:57 | Tags: Digital Economy David Skeie

Lancaster-Manchester-Warwick Joint PhD Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology 13th May 24

Roman Kozhan, Moris Strub and Zhengge Zhou collaborated with Lancaster and Manchester to host a joint PhD workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology with great success. Topics ranged from Blockchain Technology, AI , Open Baking and Financial Econometrics.

David Skeie attended the CBDC Academic Advisory Group meeting march 24

David Skeie was involved in discussions held at the CBDC Academic Advisory Group. The key discussions at this meeting included The future of money and payments; The risks and Opportunities of Central Bank Digital Currencies. For further details on discussions that took place read further

Tue 14 May 2024, 12:05 | Tags: Digital Economy David Skeie

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