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Gillmore Centre Network

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The Gillmore Centre Financial technology responded to HM Treasury and Bank of England consultation on the Digital Pound.

The Gillmore Centre Financial technology responded to HM Treasury and Bank of England consultation on the Digital Pound.

Here is the Gillmore Centre response.Link opens in a new window 

The HMT/BoE consultation can be found on their website.Link opens in a new window


Ganesh talks ECB Conference on Money Markets Session 5

At the ECB conference Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj was a discussant of his paper Stablecoin Runs and the Centralization of Arbitrage

Mon 20 Nov 2023, 16:06 | Tags: Economy Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj Digital Economy

Ganesh, Roman and Amit discuss Interest Rate Parity in Decentralized Finance at the Bank of England

Ganesh will be presenting an Introduction and Motivation -

DeFi is a blockchain based form of finance that runs on smart contracts and does not need a centralized financial intermediary, such as a market maker or a bank. Lending platforms running on the Ethereum blockchain, such as Compound, set interest rates and allocate funds automatically through algorithms. From the recent paper. You can find more details on th paper via SSRN.

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