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Croatian National Bank Talk

We extend our sincere appreciation to the Croatian National Bank for inviting The Gillmore Centre to contribute to this significant forum and for facilitating this important conversation on the future of the digital euro and other CBDC projects worldwide, exploring how the future might look with or without retail CBDC, and the pivotal role of key design choices. #digitaleuro #cbdc

Tue 16 Apr 2024, 15:10 | Tags: Economy Bazil Sansom Financial Technology CBDC

Banking and payments experts share sector forecasts for 2024

Douglas Blakey canvasses over 200 industry leaders to get their expert opinions on prospects for the banking and payments sectors in 2024

Mon 08 Jan 2024, 10:33 | Tags: AI & Machine Learning Financial Technology Ram Gopal

UK fintech leaders have regulation concerns over Generative AI

More than 90 per cent of fintech bosses believe the UK Government should introduce stricter regulations for Generative AI, according to research from the Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology.

Sat 02 Dec 2023, 08:45 | Tags: Financial Technology Ram Gopal

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