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Lancaster-Manchester-Warwick Joint PhD Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology 13th May 24

Roman Kozhan, Moris Strub and Zhengge Zhou collaborated with Lancaster and Manchester to host a joint PhD workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology with great success. Topics ranged from Blockchain Technology, AI , Open Baking and Financial Econometrics.

2024 Lancaster-Manchester-Warwick Joint PhD Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology.13 May 2024

We are excited to share the call for papers for the 2024 Lancaster-Manchester-Warwick Joint PhD Workshop on Quantitative Finance and Financial Technology.

This is an excellent opportunity for research students in these fields to present their work, get feedback from experts, and network with peers.

The workshop will take place on 13 May 2024 at the University of Warwick - Warwick Business School.

The deadline for paper submission is 15 April 2024. You can find more details below.

Tue 16 Apr 2024, 15:02 | Tags: Moris Strub Gillmore Lab

Warwick Business School opens fintech research centre

Warwick Business School has opened a research centre for financial technology backed by a £3 million donation from Clive Gillmore, an alumnus of Warwick University and CEO and Group CIO of Mondrian Investment Partners

Thu 03 Aug 2023, 16:53 | Tags: Gillmore Lab

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