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Barclays Alumni: Support our COVID-19 Appeal

Barclays is one of Warwick's most valuable partnerships. We are proud to have over 600 members of our alumni community working in every division and on every continent.

Barclays has led the way in support of its communities, through its COVID-19 Community Aid Package. By matching employee giving, the fund empowers Barclays colleagues to support causes that are working to mitigate the impact of the pandemic, such as Warwick's Student Support Fund.

Warwick COVID-19 Student Support Fund

Between May and July 2020, Warwick's donor community came together to give over £93,000 to help students facing challenging circumstances due to the impact of COVID-19. We are so grateful for their support, but students at Warwick still need your help. As recent weeks have shown, the pandemic and resulting social upheaval is not going away any time soon. The effects are felt particularly amongst young people, with 174,000 fewer 16- to 24-year-olds employed compared to the start of this year.

With family incomes tightening due to furlough and unemployment, the demand for scholarships and support through financial hardship has never been higher. Donations to the Student Support Fund have already been put to use:

  • Helping doctoral candidates affected by job loss, like Stephanie
  • Supporting disadvantaged students - those from low income backgrounds and low higher education participation - with scholarships and alleviating financial hardship
  • Assisting our medical students who have been working on the NHS frontline to successfully return to their studies

Gifts to our Student Support Fund will also help our student community in other ways: by preparing them for a changing job market through funded internships and work experience, and by enhancing projects which encourage a breadth of experience, such as volunteering and student mobility. Your gift, and the further support of the Barclays Community Aid Package, will be so helpful in this endeavour.

Donations are helping students like Stephanie, who is studying for a PhD but lost her job when the UK went into lockdown. She was left wondering how she would contribute financially towards her mother’s care and continue with her thesis. Stephanie says:

In one of the student newsletters, I came across a notification that the Hardship Fund was encouraging applications. It has given me three months during which I don’t have to be concerned about how to meet all my financial obligations – three months which I can devote to writing my thesis.

Support students and double your donation

After you have made your gift, head to the Barclays Community Aid Package website. There you can indicate that you have given a personal donation to Warwick, which will qualify your gift for the Matched Donations Programme.

Please note, by choosing 'yes' you are agreeing to this Gift Aid Agreement statement

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Remember to log your gift via the COVID-19 Colleague Matched Donations Programme to qualify for the increased funding!

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We will use the details you have provided to process your donation and keep in touch with you by email, post and phone for engagement and fundraising purposes. We will send you occasional emails about the impact of your donation unless you have opted out (above). You can unsubscribe from our communications and update your details at any time. Contact us by emailing or visit Please read our full alumni, donor and stakeholder privacy notice here.

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