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Volunteer Mentor


The Warwick in Africa programme, which is based at the University of Warwick, partners with 22 secondary level schools in Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa to offer pedagogical support via a range of interventions. The principal aim of the programme is to enhance the teaching and learning of Mathematics and English.


Each school has nominated an English and a Mathematics teacher to join the Warwick in Africa Lead Teacher network. In addition to gaining the opportunity to interact with professional educators from across the continent, Warwick in Africa Lead Teachers are offered a range of continuous professional development and support through the programme.

One highly cost effective but powerful way for us to provide support is through virtual mentoring, especially when the interactions have a particular focus. Teacher-led action research in the classroom is a reflective, problem-solving approach to investigating classroom practice. It involves cycles of planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting on changes made to improve practice.

What we are looking for

We are seeking to match education professionals, with experience of teaching Mathematics or English at secondary level, with 1 or 2 of our Warwick in Africa Lead Teachers. During a 6 month period, mentors will support teachers via regular online interactions to undertake a piece of action research in the classroom which will result in improvements in their practice, producing a report with some supporting data. Mentors will also be expected to provide monthly progress updates to the Programme Manager.

How to apply

We are looking for mentors to start by 1st June 2023. If interested, please provide information about yourself and your experience to