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Departmental news

Plastisphere and polymer-degrading bacteria, in Guardian

Plastic bottles floating on sea

Former PhD student interviewed in Guardian about her work at UoW discovering bacteria which can degrade 'plastics'

Thu 12 Aug 2021, 10:37 | Tags: news MatPolymers Research news

Cancer research EUTOPIA PhD Student joins Dr Ahmed Eissa

Congratulations go to Dr Ahmed Eissa who has won a grant to host a EUTOPIA PhD student for the project ‘Bone marrow niche – lung cancer crosstalk: gossip or fatal choice of words?’

Wed 23 Jun 2021, 16:13 | Tags: news people MatPolymers Research news

BonLab designs autonomous electricity-free "icy road" sign

We set out to develop a prototype for “icy road” warning signs which was able to operate autonomously without the use of electricity...

Wed 19 May 2021, 13:31 | Tags: news PolymerChem publications MatPolymers Research news

Exploring Energy Storage for a Greener Future

In November 2018, the Monash Warwick Alliance funded Chemists to develop and identify cost-effective, highly active, selective and stable catalysts. Check their progress...

Wed 05 May 2021, 18:47 | Tags: people MatPolymers AnalSciInst MeasMod Research news Impact

Polymer Nanoparticles to Control Ice Growth

The GibsonGroup, in collaboration with Dr Tom Whale, have published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society, showing that polymer nanoparticles can inhibit ice growth. Read more...

Wed 05 May 2021, 11:12 | Tags: PolymerChem publications MatPolymers Research news

Funding granted for cleaner, greener chemicals

Researchers at the Universities of Warwick and Nottingham have received EPSRC funding to launch a ground-breaking research programme for global specialist chemical manufacturer, Lubrizol.

Wed 07 Apr 2021, 08:45 | Tags: news PolymerChem grant income MatPolymers Research news Impact

Warwick Spin-Out, CryoLogyx, partners with investors

The University of Warwick spin-out company, CryoLogyx, has received a further investment from Oxford Technology Management and private investors, alongside £300k from InnovateUK.

Thu 18 Mar 2021, 10:37 | Tags: news people MatPolymers Research news Impact

Solving the puzzle of polymer-ice binding for cryopreservation

When biological material is frozen, cryoprotectants are used to prevent ice damage. How do newly emerging polymeric cryoprotectants control ice formation and growth during freezing?

New company, CryoLogyx, is spun out from the Department

A new biotechnology company, CryoLogyx, has been spun-out from the department, supported from a grant from InnovateUK. Cryologyx will be led by Dr Tom Congdon (A UoW UG and PG alumus) and will exploit technology developed by the GibsonGroup. Cryologyx will use innovative macromolecular (polymeric) cryoprotectants to protect biological samples, including cells used in therapy, diagnostics and drug discovery.

Read the news story here and more details will be released soon.

Wed 10 Feb 2021, 14:59 | Tags: news people MatPolymers ChemBio Impact

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