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Plastisphere and polymer-degrading bacteria, in Guardian
Former PhD student interviewed in Guardian about her work at UoW discovering bacteria which can degrade 'plastics'
The Guardian newspaper wrote an article about the 'plastisphere' and the bacteria which colonise, and potentially degrade, 'plastic' waste found in the oceans, featuring an interview with Dr Robyn Wright, discussing research from her PhD. Robyn was supervised by Dr Joseph Christie-Oleza (School of Life Sciences) and co-supervised by Professor Matthew Gibson (Chemistry). Her research investigated how bacteria can colonise, and degrade, plastic waste (such as PET bottles).
Read the Newspaper Article here:
Welcome to the ‘plastisphere’: the synthetic ecosystem evolving at sea.
and the research paper here:
A multi-OMIC characterisation of biodegradation and microbial community succession within the PET plastisphere