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Departmental news

Scientists develop genetic ‘monitors’ that detect when genes are active

New genetic sensors, developed by Professor Alfonso Jaramillo and colleagues, could function as a lab test device and even as a live monitoring system inside living cells.

Press Release (26 October 2020)

Mon 26 Oct 2020, 16:25 | Tags: Publication Press Release Faculty of Science

Precautionary Breaks: planned, limited duration circuit breaks to control the prevalence of COVID-19

Cases of COVID-19 are rising exponentially in almost all regions of the country, with some areas experiencing extremely high levels of infection - new research involving University of Warwick researchers has found. Against this backdrop of rising cases, their paper examines the impact of a short 2-week period of intense control.

Press Release (14 October 2020)

Wed 14 Oct 2020, 12:37 | Tags: Publication Press Release Faculty of Science

UK Vegetable Genebank celebrates 40 year anniversary today

The UK Vegetable Genebank (UKVGB), part of Warwick Crop Centre on the University of Warwick’s Wellesbourne Campus, celebrates its 40th anniversary today (8 October 2020).

Press Release

Thu 08 Oct 2020, 14:20 | Tags: Crop Centre Press Release Faculty of Science

Genetic mutation may hold answers to controlled breathing

The relationship between the Cx26 gene and ability to regulate Carbon dioxide is to be explored by Professor Nick Dale thanks to a £686,956 grant, from the BBSRC.

Press Release (13 August 2020)

Thu 13 Aug 2020, 12:13 | Tags: Press Release Research Faculty of Science

Natural way to boost crop yield to be explored by Warwick Scientists

LegumesAn innovative way to increase plant yield naturally, reducing the need for expensive fertilisers is being explored by Dr Miriam Gifford, Dr Isabelle Carré and colleagues, thanks to a £492,343 grant from the BBSRC.

Press Release (12 August 2020)

Wed 12 Aug 2020, 09:45 | Tags: Press Release Research Faculty of Science

Medieval medicine remedy could provide new treatment for modern day infections

Balds eyesalveAntibiotic resistance is an increasing battle for scientists to overcome, as more antimicrobials are urgently needed to treat biofilm-associated infections. However, Dr Freya Harrison and colleagues say research into natural antimicrobials could provide candidates to fill the antibiotic discovery gap.

Press Release (28 July 2020)

Wed 29 Jul 2020, 10:26 | Tags: Press Release Faculty of Science

Plant-based diets shown to lower blood pressure even with limited meat and dairy

Consuming a plant-based diet can lower blood pressure even if small amounts of meat and dairy are consumed too, according to new research from the University of Warwick.

Press Release (27 July 2020)

Wed 29 Jul 2020, 09:37 | Tags: Press Release Faculty of Science

Breakthrough in studying ancient DNA from Doggerland that separates the UK from Europe

Professor Robin Allaby and colleagues have achieved a number of innovative breakthroughs in analysing sedimentary ancient DNA to reconstruct an 8,150 year old environmental catastrophe in an area that is now covered by the North Sea.

Press Release(16 July 2020)

Thu 16 Jul 2020, 14:47 | Tags: Publication Press Release Research Faculty of Science

Global warming will cause ecosystems to produce more methane than first predicted

Research by Dr Kevin Purdy et al suggests that as the Earth warms natural ecosystems such as freshwaters will release more methane than expected from predictions based on temperature increases alone.

Press Release (30 June 2020)

Wed 01 Jul 2020, 11:07 | Tags: Press Release Faculty of Science

Warwick research part of project investigating newly discovered prehistoric shafts near Stonehenge

Professor Robin Allaby's lab is analysing soil samples from a newly discovered Neolithic structure near Stonehenge, to try and discover its purpose in ancient Britain.

Press Release

Mon 22 Jun 2020, 11:43 | Tags: Press Release Faculty of Science

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