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Warwick Economics finalist selected for the Outstanding Student Contribution Award (OSCA) 2024

We congratulate a Warwick Economics finalist, Alex Reid (BSc Economics), who is one of the winners of the University's Outstanding Student Contribution Awards 2024 for demonstrating his entrepreneurial flair during his time at Warwick. The OSCAs recognise and celebrate the outstanding contributions of Warwick's students who not only excel academically, but also find the time to campaign for good causes, fundraise, start small business, and work with local charities.

In his second year, Alex got in touch to tell us about how he and two of his friends created a social media app called Butterfly, available to Warwick students, so that they could receive relevant content about campus life and feel connected to fellow students. We outlined the benefits of the app in the article Butterfly helps students spread their social wings, which was published in March 2023.

When we interviewed Alex then, he commented on his venture:

"We all felt that social media has lost its way - far from being social, these days it is about passive scrolling and the consumption of entertainment, often far removed from our own day to day lives."

Now, Alex has just finished his final year exams and is getting ready for his graduation on 23 July at which he will be receiving his Outstanding Student Contribution Award 2024.

We asked Alex how he felt about being awarded an OSCA and he said:

"Warwick is an amazing place to learn, connect, and innovate - I'm very grateful to have had these opportunities and be awarded the OSCA."

The app Butterfly is available in the AppStore and Google Play Store.

Tue 25 Jun 2024, 14:17 | Tags: Department, homepage-news, Community, Student stories

What is the personnel policy of Sponsor-led academies? Does it help explain their effectiveness at improving student performance?

Low-performing, disadvantaged schools notoriously struggle to attract and retain high-quality teachers.

In England, since the beginning of the 2000s, the management of low-performing, state secondary schools has been transferred from the local authority to external organizations, including educational charities and businesses.

A consolidated literature shows that Sponsor-led academies - as schools experiencing this management takeover are defined - have been successful at improving student performance and educational attainment, but little is known about the mechanisms explaining this success.

A new report, Sponsor-led Academies and the Teacher Labour Market, presents initial findings from a study funded by the Nuffield Foundation and led by Professor Victor Lavy investigating the impact of Sponsor-led takeovers on teacher turnover, composition and pay.

The study found:

  • Sponsor-led academies typically appoint a new headteacher upon conversion.
  • The new head is, on average, better paid and more likely to have come from an OFSTED-graded “outstanding” school than their predecessor
  • Older (lower-achieving) teachers tend to leave the school before (after) the conversion.
  • After the takeover, teacher turnover declines, while new teachers joining the Sponsor-led school are more likely to come from outstanding schools.
  • Sponsors typically restructure teacher pay scheme, abandoning a pay scale entirely based on seniority.

To find out more about this piece of research, please, read the non-technical report, available here, or the academic paper, available here.


The Nuffield Foundation is an independent charitable trust with a mission to advance social well-being. It funds research that informs social policy, primarily in Education, Welfare and Justice. The Nuffield Foundation is the founder and co-funder of the Nuffield Council on Bioethics, the Ada Lovelace Institute and the Nuffield Family Justice Observatory. The Foundation has funded this project, but the views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Foundation.

Tue 25 Jun 2024, 13:47 | Tags: Department, Research

Professor Caroline Elliott joins independent Regulatory Policy Committee

Professor Caroline Elliott has taken up a prestigious role on the UK’s Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC), an independent body of experts which assesses the quality of evidence and analysis used to inform government regulatory proposals.

Since taking up her appointment in March she has already provided expert review on a range of policy issues including multiple drafts of a white paper, an impact assessment for proposed secondary legislation, and two post-implementation reviews.

Professor Caroline Elliott

Looking towards the future, Caroline said: “I hope that I’ll be able to make a difference by using my applied research knowledge and my academic skills on the impact assessments. We’re also going to start looking at policy options assessments and I’m excited to bring my knowledge to bear on the independent reviews.”

Caroline is continuing a tradition of Warwick economists contributing to the work of the committee – the position became vacant when Dr Jonathan Cave’s term of appointment came to an end. He is delighted that, after a rigorous selection process, the Committee chose to appoint another “proper card-carrying academic economist.”

Caroline said: “Jonathan sent me the advertisement for the role, and when I looked into the work of the committee, I thought it looked amazing. I teach industrial economics, regulation and competition policy and I always try and link my teaching to the real world - I never want to be criticised as being an ivory tower academic. Here was an opportunity to put my work into practice – to not just comment on the work of others, or the work of the government, but to be directly involved.

“As an economist, and as an academic economist, I believe there are two things I bring to the role. The first is my familiarity with academic literature and evidence. The second way in which I feel I’m contributing comes back to my academic training. As an academic, as an applied economist, you’re always looking for data. Sometimes you’re having to pull data together from different sources. And because I come from this background I can assist with this.”

Jonathan is delighted that Caroline has been appointed as his successor. “I think because I kept citing peer-reviewed literature in my Opinions and other interventions, trying to ensure that regulatory analysis made appropriate use of economic empirical methodologies and theoretical tools, including the use of real options analysis - I think they saw the value of having a replacement who is similarly positioned.”

Dr Jonathan CaveAsked if he had any advice for Caroline, Jonathan said: “Don’t be afraid to challenge people and to be the voice within the committee resisting calls to compromise when that isn’t appropriate, by ensuring that the impacts of whatever regulations ministers wish to propose are rigorously assessed against real problems, but without being drawn into comments about whether the policies themselves are ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

“I’d encourage her to be very actively engaged with the new government in a partnership based on a culture of evaluation and analysis and a mechanism design view of regulations and the regulatory process of which the RPC is a part. She should strive to remain committed to the concept and values of better regulation and work hard to make those concepts her own – in the committee, in her academic research and teaching and in leaving her mark on the better regulation framework itself.

“If you see how policies are made you can build better regulatory economics models. Regulation is not a matter of feeding a problem into a machine, turning a crank on a machine and ‘solving’ the problem – politics intervenes, economics intervenes, delays intervene, and the things you should be looking for are not always where they should be. For instance, we spent a lot of time worrying about how – or whether – to scrutinise the impacts when government threatens to regulate, business behaviour changes in anticipation and the regulation is abandoned. I think Caroline will find this useful in her academic work, and her teaching.”

Jonathan says that his decade as an RPC member was “fascinating” and saw many changes and developments. He worked hard to encourage the committee to avoid compromising or watering down its opinions for spurious reasons, arguing against “voices that felt we should temporise or give green ratings to things that did not merit them, for the fear that the political cost of refusing would be too high.” Rather than asking if each contested Bill was ‘the right hill to die on’, he tried to sit down with departments to negotiate where possible, and to publish Red opinions where important analytic principles or impacts were not properly acknowledged.

He also became adept at navigating changing political priorities: “I think the biggest lesson I had to learn along the way was how to sail in the direction of better regulation by tacking across a wind blowing from the deregulatory quarter.”

Jonathan also argued strongly for the committee to be allowed to give its opinions at an earlier stage in the policy process: “A few years ago, we only got to look at things when the bills were laid before Parliament, by which time all the decisions had been made. We commented, many times, on impact assessments that were more ex-post rationalisation than a formative influence on the creation of policy – which led to the most tendentious type of data-mining and the temptation to rely on ‘policy-driven evidence.’ Now the RPC is looking at things much earlier in the process, at the options assessment stage.”

In Jonathan’s experience, this particular challenge is not unique to the UK. He said: “I’m very pleased and proud about our international engagement with RegWatch Europe (a network of similar EU scrutiny bodies) our OECD counterpart and OIRA in the United States. I’ve worked closely with them over the years to share best practice and identify common problems, and there has been lot of progress made on this challenge of ex-ante assessment.

“Another challenge is the need to look back and evaluate regulations to see if they have done what they set out to do. I’ve had a long struggle to champion “post-implementation review” and I think we’ve made good progress. The UK is regarded as setting the world standard in this and we’ve been trying to maintain that. That’s been a really good thing.”


Fri 07 Jun 2024, 15:19 | Tags: Featured Department Staff news homepage-news Community

Economics students and staff participate in Wear My Shoes: Sensory Awareness Workshop

Last week, a group of students and staff from the Department of Economics participated in a sensory awareness workshop to gain insights into what it feels like to have a disability.

Dr Juliana Carneiro, the Department’s Disability Coordinator and organiser of the workshop, gave an introduction about the importance of awareness of sensory perception and neurodiversity in our learning and working communities. She said:

“Being aware of how disabled people experience the world gives us a valuable insight into issues related to diversity within our society; it teaches us empathy, encourages inclusivity and helps us build a supportive environment for all members of our community. It is also a soft skill recognised and highly valued by employers in the job market.”

Several speakers were invited to contribute to the topic or tell their story of sensory perception, including:

  • Dr Damien Homer, Head of Disability Services who talked about different types of assistance available to Warwick’s students.
  • Diana Shore, Assistant Professor, WMG - shared her own experience as a person with a disability which is not always visible to those around her. Diana invited the audience to participate in a role play: Juliana interviewed Diana while fidgeting and making noises, to show the audience the challenges a person with hearing impairment must overcome.
  • Nivaria Morales Salas, IT Developer in the Department of Economics, explained in her talk about different categories of visual impairment and shared her own experience as a person with disability.
  • Martyn Parker, Community Engagement Officer for Warwickshire Vision came with his guide dog Harper who stole the limelight! Martyn shared his experience of visual impairment and interacted with students walking them through obstacles while they were wearing an eye band.

The participants engaged with a number of other hands-on activities to have a taste of the diversity of sensory perception experienced by people within our community, including the use of a wheelchair.

Nivaria Morales Salas commented about the event:

“It’s great to see events like this being organised on campus. They raise awareness of the reality of living with a disability as well as showing that disabled people make a positive contribution to society despite facing daily challenges.”

Economics student
Kush Majithia
trying one of
the activities

More than 20 students and 6 members of staff benefitted from attending the event, fully engaging in the activities and role play and raising their knowledge and understanding of studying, working, and living with diverse people.

Dr Carneiro wishes to thank her colleagues who supported her in organising the event: Claire Johnson, Student Engagement and Experience Coordinator and Tina MacSkimming, Student Support and Progression Officer from the Department of Economics.

Dr Carneiro is also grateful to the sponsors of the event - Professor Rebecca Freeman, Director of the Dean of Student Office, and Professor Lorenzo Frigerio, Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education) - for their support of the Department's Inclusive Education Action Plan.

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Wed 08 May 2024, 11:09 | Tags: Featured Department Staff news homepage-news

Economics researchers take on key roles in new Interdisciplinary Research Spotlights

Two members of the Department are taking on leadership roles in the University’s Research Spotlight programme, a new programme designed to promote collaborative work on urgent global challenges.

Professor Daniel Sgroi has been appointed Chair of the new interdisciplinary Behaviour Spotlight, and Professor Thijs van Rens is a member of the leadership team for the Health Spotlight.

A total of six interdisciplinary ‘Research Spotlights’ have been created. Each of them identifies a major global challenge: “They are all serious interdisciplinary areas that are going to make a big difference,” Daniel explains. “The University has asked, ‘what are the big issues facing the world?’ and decided to put a spotlight on each of them and bring people from every department together to work on them.

“This is important because most of the world’s big problems are problems that can only really be solved by disciplines working together – for example, how we deal with climate change, how we tackle political polarisation, how we handle pandemics.

“We know from COVID that medics worked with behavioural scientists so that they didn’t just develop vaccines, they developed strategies to ensure people would take them.

“Our Behaviour Spotlight aims to facilitate interdisciplinary collaboration between behavioural researchers that seek to understand and address some of the biggest problems faced by the world today.

“We can provide seed funding for pilot experiments or to kick-start projects, we can create and financially support new seminar series, workshops and conferences, and help fund early-stage research.

“We have a big network already, inherited from the Behaviour, Brain & Society GRP, but we now want to reach across the whole university. We’ll be inviting anyone doing behavioural research at Warwick to join us as part of our mission to build a university-wide network of active researchers.”

A new Health Spotlight has also been created. Professor Thijs van Rens is one of four academics on the leadership team. He said:

"There are many people at University working on research that is relevant to health, at Warwick Medical School, of course, but also in Business, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, English, History, Mathematics, Physics, Psychology, Statistics and probably other departments as well.

“Our aim is to build the network and infrastructure to bring these people together so that together we can make better progress on the big questions that cannot be addressed from a single discipline.

“Some of the interdisciplinary areas that we will focus on are technologies in health, prevention and public health, mental health and wellbeing, and interdisciplinary methodologies. Warwick has strengths in all of these areas, and we hope that by providing a supportive environment for collaboration, we can further build on these strengths and encourage ‘blue-skies’ research ideas.”

“My own research on healthy and sustainable diets has made me realise how the quality of the research can benefit from an interdisciplinary team, and how much it helps to secure funding for that research."

Professor Ben Lockwood, Head of the Economics Department, said “I am delighted that Daniel and Thijs have been appointed to these leadership roles and will be contributing to the University’s ambitious interdisciplinary research programme.”

The Spotlight programme is intended to run for at least 10 years and is an indication of the University’s long-term commitment to world-changing research.


Wed 01 May 2024, 14:25 | Tags: Featured Promoted Department homepage-news Research Community

Economics ranked 23rd in the QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024

We are very pleased to announce that Warwick's Department of Economics has been ranked 23rd in the QS World Ranking for Economics and Econometrics.

The QS University Rankings by Subjects are compiled annually using research citations and the results of major global surveys of employers and academics to rank universities across the world in 55 different academic disciplines.

The Department has been placed in the top 5 in the UK, closely behind the LSE, Oxford, Cambridge and UCL.

Head of Department, Professor Ben Lockwood said:

“I’m delighted to hear that we’ve retained our place in the world’s top 25 departments of economics this year, as we have done in the last few years.
We have been consistently achieving high rankings in various subject league tables and this recognises the collective effort of our staff and students to achieve excellence in their work and study. I’d like to thank them all for their hard work and dedication.”

Related links:

QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024: Economics and EconometricsLink opens in a new window

Warwick ranked in global top 50 for 10 subjectsLink opens in a new window

Tue 23 Apr 2024, 16:23 | Tags: Department, homepage-news

New trial launches to explore environmentally-sustainable shopping choices

A new research project launched today by a partnership including the University of Warwick will explore how shoppers can be encouraged to make more sustainable food choices while they do their online shopping.

The online shopping project is part of the SALIENT food trials, a consortium of eight universities and two research institutes looking at ways to support healthier eating and reduce the impact of food on the planet, funded by the UK government through the ESRC.

The trial is facilitated by a web browser extension for the online grocery platform of a major UK supermarket, which will pull information from a database of over 14,000 ‘life cycle assessments’ for the available products compiled by food sustainability experts Sustained.

Up to 2750 UK shoppers will be recruited to take part in up to five waves. They will be invited to download a plug-in for their internet browser which will provide two sorts of nudges to help guide their purchases:-

  • Eco-labelling: these will inform online shoppers about the environmental footprint of their food choices, using an A (least impact) to G (most impact) rating system.
  • Product Swaps: shoppers may be shown products with a lower environmental impact and equal or better nutritional profile, in place of their initial choices. These may also be made available at a discount to test the effect of lower prices on purchase decisions.

The researchers will evaluate the impact of these interventions on the environmental rating of consumers’ shopping baskets, to understand whether either intervention results in more sustainable shopping habits and by how much.

Professor Thijs van Rens, co-lead of the Sustained trial, said: “Offering swaps and price discounts are promising ways to get people to buy more sustainable foods, which are often better for their health too. But we have very little evidence for how effective these interventions are, particularly for online grocery shopping.

“Previous research has mostly focused on physical supermarkets or on simulated online supermarkets. But we know that people often make quite different choices in real life than in simulated environments.

“Our collaboration with Sustained will provide a great opportunity to generate real life data which we can analyse in order to recommend policies with the best chance of changing behaviour in a positive way.”

Professor Oyinlola Oyebode, also co-lead of the research trial, said: “Climate change and environmental degradation are important and serious challenges for human health. Changing the food we produce, buy and eat can help to address this, and more sustainable food often offers direct benefits for health too.”

Carl Oliver, Sustained CEO, said: “Empowering more sustainable purchasing choices is part of the journey to reducing the massive impact the global food system has on the environment.

“This trial is also about understanding how industry and policy makers can utilise technology partners like Sustained to shape a food system that supports the health of us and our planet.

“This is an exciting partnership for Sustained as we work towards our vision of helping consumers and businesses reduce their environmental impact through actionable intelligence and collaboration.”

About SALIENT: SALIENT is a team of researchers working with the public, partners from local and national government, food charities, community support teams, and the food industry, with the goal of designing interventions to support healthier eating and reduce the impact of food on the planet. The SALIENT consortium is drawn from eight universities (Oxford, Cambridge, Warwick, Birmingham, Hertfordshire, Liverpool, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and Queen Mary University of London) and two research institutes (Nesta and the Behavioural Insights Team).

Wed 17 Apr 2024, 12:50 | Tags: Featured Department Staff news homepage-news Research

Natural disasters and local government finance - new insights from the Philippines

Delegating tax-and-spend powers to local government risks limiting the ability of local authorities to respond to environmental disasters, according to new research published in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.

Dr Jose Rowell Corpuz (University of Warwick), Professor Joseph Capuno (University of the Philippines Diliman) and Dr Samuel Lordemus (University of Lucerne) looked at 10 years of public finance data from the Philippines both before and after a national emergency in 2013, when Typhoon Haiyan struck the islands with 200mph winds, to explore how local public finances respond to natural disasters.

The researchers also looked for evidence of how central government disaster relief funds and international aid affected local revenue raising and spending on essential services – did the external aid compensate for lower local revenues, or was it genuinely additional to existing resources?

While these questions have been studied in better-off countries, it is believed that this study substantially adds to the analysis of the local fiscal response to natural disasters in a country with more limited financial resources.

The Philippines is in a high-risk typhoon area, and Typhoon Haiyan was one of the strongest ever recorded and caused unprecedented damage as it crossed the country. Official government sources estimate that about 6,300 people died, more than 28,000 were injured and 4 million left homeless.

It displaced communities and affected the regions' infrastructure, roads, hospitals, schools, and public services. The severity of the impact on the areas it ravaged was unanticipated and unprecedented, with its effects felt during and after the disaster.

Using data on local government revenue and spending from before and after Typhoon Haiyan, Dr Corpuz and his co-authors found:

  • The typhoon had a small impact on local government revenue raising. In the short term there was a fall in income from taxes and charges on local businesses but these recovered after around two years. This effect was more severe in less-well-off municipalities and highlights the importance of flexible central government support to address economic inequality.
  • The typhoon had a small but measurable impact on spending. Local governments spent slightly less on all areas of responsibility except health, housing and labour. They also reduced their debt repayments.
  • Local governments which received external aid did not diminish their tax collection efforts and spent more on public services, education, social and economic services, and debt repayments. This result shows that foreign aid has a vital role to play in supporting local government to help citizens in the aftermath of disasters.

Commenting on his research Dr Corpuz said:

“The effects of natural disasters can have a huge impact on a local economy and under decentralisation, local governments are limited in the resources they can mobilise in the aftermath.

“Ordinarily, local tax revenue collection provides a higher rate of local government spending over and above central government transfers. This changes after a natural disaster when there are significant losses in revenues particularly from local businesses and economic enterprise.

“When a typhoon as powerful as Haiyan affects the generating revenue capacity of local governments, central government transfers and foreign aid are crucial to maintaining public expenditures that benefit its people.”

Specifically, the research evidence suggests:

  • Local governments exposed to common nationwide shocks such as Typhoon Haiyan have limited capacity to reallocate or provide additional resources that would address the increased demand for local public spending.
  • Lack of strong and responsive financial support from central government leaves local governments to fend for themselves. This situation only escalates the impact of external shocks.
  • Central government needs to step in with additional sources of funding for disaster relief and ensure a coordinated effort with other funding sources (such as foreign aid) to effectively target the most vulnerable communities.

Dr Corpuz concludes:

“Although we cannot generalize, the Philippine case is a reminder of natural disasters’ debilitating effect on local governments and vulnerable communities. We hope that our study will inspire many in ensuring a well-coordinated disaster risk management by central and local governments, particularly in settings of decentralised local government finance.”

Read the full research paper: Natural disasters and local government finance: Evidence from Typhoon Haiyan

Fri 12 Apr 2024, 09:45 | Tags: Featured Promoted Department homepage-news Research

Warwick Economics student August Küenburg releases new podcast Econ Bites

August Küenburg (BSc Economics, Year 2) has released an exciting new podcast Econ Bites, exploring economic public policymaking and its key figures and institutions. In his impressive first episode, August interviews Jonathan Haskel, member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England, to discuss central bank independence and inflation targeting. We caught up with August about his fascinating new project.

Hi August! Why did you decide to start creating and publishing your own podcast?

Having my own podcast gives me the opportunity to talk to inspiring people in the field of economics about all kinds of interesting topics and share these conversations with other interested people. Preparing a podcast episode is a fun learning experience and an excellent way to deepen my own understanding about certain topics that we begin to cover as undergraduate economics students.

Your first episode has a very exciting guest – Jonathan Haskel. Can you explain who he is and why you’ve chosen to interview him?

Jonathan Haskel is a Professor of Economics at Imperial College Business School and is currently serving his second term as a member of the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) at the Bank of England. Jonathan holds one of the nine votes to decide the future of the UK monetary policy. His experience as a central banker and ability to explain complex matters with often simple analogies makes him the perfect guest for my podcast episode.

Why should people listen to this episode with Jonathan?

Listeners will hopefully gain a better understanding of how the MPC operates and why inflation targeting and central bank independence are essential to ensure effective and credible monetary policy. Jonathan makes an excellent point about how economists have too long held a machine-like view of the economy and that a major intellectual breakthrough was needed to start treating the economy much more systematically.

For this episode you’ve done a lot of research into the history of the Bank of England and its policymaking on matters such as inflation. How has your degree in economics equipped you with the skills to complete this research?

One of my optional models, Money and Banking, discusses monetary policy and central bank independence in more detail and this motivated me to do further research into central banks. Most of my preparation goes into reading the literature and gaining a solid understanding of the topic.

Your podcast demonstrates a keen interest in policymaking – are you planning to pursue a career path in this area?

At the moment I want to pursue a career in public policy, being as a central banker or maybe as an economist at the International Monetary Fund or World Bank.

Talking to people in those fields is an exciting opportunity for me to learn more about their jobs and why they matter so much. Policymaking has a real impact on people’s lives, and I believe that coming up with new insights and solutions to various economic issues could be a very interesting and fulfilling career prospect.

I hope to have more central bankers, academics and economists working on public policy on my podcast in the future.

August Küenburg (BSc Economics, year 2)

You can listen to August’s first episode of his podcast Econ Bites on Spotify here.

Thu 11 Apr 2024, 16:22 | Tags: Department, homepage-news, Student stories

Best Paper award for Professor Giovanni Ricco

Professor Giovanni Ricco has received a prestigious American Economic Journal Best Paper 2024 AwardLink opens in a new window for a paper published in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.

The awards are made annually to the best paper published in each of the four American Economic Journals – Applied Economics, Macroeconomics, Economic Policy and Microeconomics - in the previous three years.  The winning papers are chosen by the journals’ Boards of Editors from those nominated by AEA members.

Professor Ricco’s paper was published in 2021 and is co-authored with Professor Silvia Miranda-Agrippino, Research Economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

In The Transmission of Monetary Policy Shocks Silvia Miranda-Agrippino and Giovanni Ricco study widely used instruments for the identification of monetary policy disturbances, show how the use of these instruments is behind the empirical puzzles reported in the literature, and propose a new high-frequency instrument for monetary policy shocks that accounts for informational rigidities.

Commenting on his award, Professor Ricco said it was a complete surprise but a very welcome one.

Head of Department Ben Lockwood said: “On behalf of all in Warwick Economics I’d like to congratulate Giovanni on his ‘best paper’ award. It is a significant achievement for him personally and an important accolade for the Department."

Wed 10 Apr 2024, 16:03 | Tags: Featured Promoted Department Staff news homepage-news

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