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Dr Chris Strelluf gives a linguists' perspective on the King's Speech

Dr Chris Strelluf, sociolinguist from the University of Warwick said: "Linguistically, the speech has been constructed to simultaneously make the King an advocate for the current government and mouthpiece for its policy, while also distancing the Monarch from partisanship or controversy.

"Speech constructions such as 'My ministers will continue to…’ suggests that the government has already succeeded in doing something, while the phrase 'Long-term' advocates for measuring results beyond the horizon of the next General Election.

"What was also interesting was the juxtaposition of both popular and controversial ideas, such as the NHS transformation preceding minimum staffing during strikes, and strawman constructions, such as ‘low-quality university degrees’, which everyone would agree with even if we don’t know what is meant by ‘low-quality’ in this case."