Expert Comment
Dr Briony Jones on Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership
Dr Briony Jones, Reader of International Development and Director of the Warwick Interdisciplinary Research Centre for International Development, Politics and International Studies Department, discusses the UK and Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership.
Dr Chris Strelluf gives a linguists' perspective on the King's Speech
Dr Chris Strelluf comments on how the King's Speech both how it advocates for the government and distances itself from the monarchy.
Claims that Nusrat Ghani MP lost a ministerial role because of her "Muslimness" - expert comment
Dr Shahnaz Akhter comments on claims in this weekend’s Sunday Times that Nusrat Ghani MP had been removed from her post as a junior Minister due to her Muslimness.
Queen's Speech - Lifetime Skills Guarantee
"It is important that people possess skills which are relevant to the labour market. Equally, it is important that people have access to training which will keep their skills up to date. The government clearly recognises these two points with its Lifetime Skills Guarantee and Lifelong Loan Entitlement announced today." Professor Terence Hogarth from the Warwick Institute for Employment Research comments on proposed adult education reforms.
Should the courts intervene in prorogation? Expert comment from Professor John McEldowney
"Prorogation in the circumstances of Brexit sits uneasily with ideas of fair play, compromise and negotiation." Professor John McEldowney from Warwick Law comments on the legal challenges to the Prime Minister's decision to prorogue Parliament.