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"Ireland lagging behind the West over surrogacy laws" – Dr Maebh Harding

The lack of legal regulation over surrogacy in Ireland is “regrettable” and the country is lagging behind others in the West over the definition of motherhood, argues a researcher from the University of Warwick. Dr Maebh Harding, of the university’s School of Law, made the comments following a landmark ruling by the Irish Supreme Court that the birth certificate of twins born through surrogacy could not be changed to record the genetic mother as their parent.

Fri 14 Nov 2014, 09:55 | Tags: Expert comment, International, Law, Social Affairs

Bad behaviour: Britain won’t nudge its way to a better economy

Professor Will Davies, from the Centre for Interdisciplinary Methodologies, writes for The Conversation about privatising the government's behavioural insights team.

Thu 16 May 2013, 17:19 | Tags: Sociology, Social Affairs, Economics and Finance

World Social Work Day: Against neoliberal social work?

A blog post from John Harris, Emeritus Professor in the School of Health and Social Studies.

Social workers around the world are being invited to celebrate World Social Work Day on 19 March under the banner “Promoting Social and Economic Equalities”, taken from the Global Agenda (2010). Such a call to arms is sorely needed in the face of the growing influence of neoliberalism on global social work, an influence manifested in marketisation, consumerisation, and managerialisation...

Tue 19 Mar 2013, 15:48 | Tags: International, Social Affairs

Dr Lynn Gambin, National Apprenticeship Week

Apprenticeships are more beneficial to employers and employees than any other vocational training programme. Our research, conducted over the past 15 years, reveals employers who invest in Apprenticeships value them highly with respect to what they deliver to the workplace.

Thu 14 Mar 2013, 12:04 | Tags: Research, Social Affairs, Economics and Finance

More women in local government could reduce crime against women in India

Dr Anandi Mani, researcher at the Centre for Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy and Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Warwick said: "The recent rape case in New Delhi that has outraged the Indian public has triggered the search for solutions to reduce crimes against women in India.

Tue 15 Jan 2013, 10:49 | Tags: International, Social Affairs, Economics and Finance

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